tirsdag 21. august 2012

New Blog.

I am going to start over. Make a new blog.

Because I do not know when to quit.

The address is [ here! ]

Must say, after all these years, after 12 533 page-views, it is kind of, sort of sad to just give this up. But I'm probably not going to give it up entirely... Though I probably will... Or will I... I am conflicted!

mandag 20. august 2012

To-do list.

Botox is weird. I don't understand why people are afraid of looking their age. Crows feet are beautiful! It proves you have actually smiled 2 or 3 times in your life!
Especially actors that botox the fuck out of their face. They need their facial mimics! It makes you better at your job, and makes your role more credible!
I do understand that getting old is scary, and nobody wants to, but it's unavoidable! Your face will look like shit at one point or another. Age with dignity, bro's!

That had very little to do with my to-do list.
I've taken some time, reflecting on a few things here and there, and I've decided to challenge myself a little.
- Recently I've been slightly aggressive towards people, I intend on trying to be more patient.
- I will also try not to judge people. Putting McJudgemental to the side will be a hard one.
- Not call people stupid, because I hate being called stupid myself, and in calling other people stupid, I guess I reflect my own stupidness.
- Come up with more creative shit to write about....

OOOHH! I found horribly filmed flash-videos from my first camera on my dad's hard drive, and found it on youtube. I remember Carina and I laughing so much of this, I had to post it here.

There's three in total, they are hilarious! I strongly advice watching them.


torsdag 16. august 2012

The lovely summer in Søgne & shit

 I decided to stick some pictures up of August thus far. We've been at sea and enjoyed crabs at a jetty/docks whatever they are called, enjoyed the sun thoroughly and visited friends in Oslo! All in all, a great summer.
I'm just going to stick some pictures up. I haven't got an awful lot to say, really.
Two very carefully cut bushes.... :P

View from our cabin
View picture through my sunglasses to catch the stripes in the sky

The bay I spent a lot of time in finding stuff,
and playing doctor on jellyfish...

What I think is OK to put out
without asking my friends for permission :P
My first earned money by... being humped....
Scrubbing it.. Away! Away!
This seagull was standing reeeaally close to me.
Taken in Oslo harbour!


Pretty little ass-kisser.
We decided to go in here, but when we found out
it cost 80 kroner we decided not to go after all.
Yes to cheaper museums!

Wergelandsparken at night.
One of my favourite spots in Kristiansand!

More flowers. I like orange.
If you still hung on, I am impressed. I've realised that this blog is somewhat like the ramblings of a mad old man... Then again, the life of an old mad man is probably extremely entertaining so I'm not going to discriminate!

I enjoyed my time in Oslo thoroughly. Thanks to Louise for letting Carina and I stay there! We had a great time! Well.. At least I did. I guess I can't speak for Carina...


mandag 30. juli 2012

Ashes of Al'ar

We had a bit of a raiding spree earlier today. We did Trial of the Crusader, Eye of Eternity, Obsidian Sanctum and finally Tempest Keep. We had a good group of 5 who just decided to do a crap-load of "low level" raids. 3 of 4 of these raids drop mounts.
I really wasn't expecting the last raid to drop anything. But fuck me it did.

Look at it, in all its glory! The sight gave me shivers. I rolled on that before I did anything else...

I made a little prayer to the Gaming God, took a breath..
Then clicked "need" like everyone else did...

AND I FUCKING WON IT! I rolled a 100! That is the best placed 100 I've ever seen in my entire life. I still can't believe I actually won it! I wish I could share it with one more person, though. I know someone who deserves it.

Look at it! It's wildly awesome! And phoenix-y!
One can assume a few severe fangasms occurred.

onsdag 25. juli 2012

Horror games.

I really don't like scary games. I bought Silent Hill: Origins, once, and I'm still just faffing about in the hospital... I've probably had a collected play time of 10 minutes on that game. I am not a fan of the nurses. And keep expecting to bump into a certain Pyramid Head around every corner.
Don't get me wrong, the nurses are scary as shit, but the thought of having a guy with a massive ... knife? Can that even be described as a knife at that size? Anyway, with a massive knife-sword that enjoys skinning the people he comes across... Not the most approachable feller is he...

So naturally, I've been watching play-throughs of Slender and some of Amnesia. Personally, I found the Amnesia play-throughs a lot more "Going to shit my pants now" than Slender, but then again, I think Slender might be scarier to play yourself than to look at in a play-through. Slender was just creepy. Apparently the monster doesn't look very scary either...
It's creepy, don't get me wrong, but I find other monsters even more scary. And for me, the "Shit bricks" moments are mostly when you see the monster. Then again, I wouldn't want to play Slender either to test out my nerves of steel (read: None existing nerves.. Who the fuck am I kidding anyway..), because I know what would happen.
What would happen is; I would lie under my bed for months with a torch and a knife, making weird hissing noises when people approached the door, living off of dust and crumbs from some sort of naughty meal I had once in bed.

Amnesia... Jesus fucking Christ. I don't ever want to touch that game. I may stretch myself to watch someone play it behind a pillow, but playing it? No. Just no.
LOOK AT THAT THING! How will you not walk away from that game without a million and one nightmares and a ticket to the loony-bin!? That's all I have to say about that.