onsdag 3. mars 2010

Talk about the future

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
How the fuck should I know that?
"Any thoughts for the new year?"
Do I look like I can see the future?
"Do you want to get married and have children when you get older?"
..... REALLY?

What is this fixation about the future?
Why can't we just live in the present, and do what we feel like?
Everything seems to depend on what you choose to study and want to do for work for the REST OF YOUR LIFE (If you're lucky).
I've never understood people that knew what they wanted to be when they grow up... How do they really know that that's the line of work they want? Why do they think about that when they are kids? Aren't kids supposed to be blissfully ignorant, and not understand grown-ups and their problems?
I guess not...

And what did the person that invented time think? What an idiot.
It's just numbers... Making good people stressed out of their wits...
Fair enough.. Gives us some idea on when the day is still day and night is night, etc etc...
But time is just a human concept.. Made up for us to feel more in power of what happens to the world we (believe it or not) share with other creatures...

What I know about my future, is that I'm not going to have anything with melting the poles, forcing said creatures to die. I might try and stop it.. But when I can't even reach out to my friends with this problem, I might have some troubles with it..
When I can't convince them that global warming truly is a problem, and not just "something the world does every few years or so", that makes you think.
This problem is here.
We are here.
We are supposed to deal with this problem...
Not ignore it.

I want to shout into the narrow-minded minds that they need to realize that cars aren't important. Nor is money. What will you spend your money on when the earth is ruined?
Al Gore makes a brilliant example of that in his movie.
I really admire that he took up this problem, even though he might be a little bit of a hypocrite. People listen to familiar faces.
But strangely enough, people don't listen to crowds. (All though sometimes that happens.. But to be fairly honest, it doesn't seem like that happens all too often...)
Be a vegetarian for a week.
Walk to school, or take the bus for a week.
Turn off the lights in the room you just were in, don't let the bulbs burn for nothing.
Open your mind. Stop caring about the future, care about the present, and how we prioritize.

'Nuff said.

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