torsdag 30. desember 2010


I know I know. A post about hair.
I've always struggled a little with my hair, because there is a lot of it, plus, like a little christmas bonus, it's curled too.
But then I started googling short curly hair hairdo's and I found a beautiful one! Well.. Awesome, really. And also red. I like red hair. Here it is. Have to scroll down a little. I love that due.
Just love it. And the colour. Love it.

Aaaaand I talk about hair.

Not that that is a bad thing or anything.

I never understood those who wanted to become something out of an anime series. Looking like children with oversized heads with oversized eyes..... It's a little bit creepy! And the plastic they are wearing to look like that, both eye and hair-wise does not look good! Nor healthy!

"Hey. I'm datin' a child! Ah feel like a manly man!"

Yeah. Texas "dialect" on that was required.

2 kommentarer:

  1. You know, just for the record, I've always liked your hair. You've done so much cool with it.

  2. haha thanks... and for the record: "So much cool" is mainly not doing anything at all :D but thanks. *cough* yeah. Hair... lovely :P
    *chirp chirp* :P
