søndag 6. november 2011

British food for British people.

Hyaaaa tna betnaaaaaa hawavaveeee tiwavaaaaa!
Stjooommmm benjaaa ahva, benja ahvaaa...! :P

 This is what I saw this morning. Beautiful, isn't it! I took loads of pictures of that sunrise. I love sky-phenomenons. Amazing, they are. The one on the side was taken with Instagram, and has a filter on it to look more shiny, the one below is the camera one :) Lovely colours and such!

After a good day of studying with fellow classmates, with no procrastination whatsoever (cough, hack, cough!), Ciwi and I went food shopping. As you do....
And as I usually decide to make food AFTER 12 o'clock at night, I can't use the kitchen, because they lock it.... Silly people... Anyway: I bought noodles.
This is what they looked like:

Apparently the British people of Britain like to have their food pre-chewed. I can only assume this is because some of them don't like to actually work with their jaw. (Hurr hurr....)
And for the record: they were nice.. But also a little nasty. The roast chicken one is the best... The one in the blue box. True story. And they aren't pre-chewed. So there you have that.

Pepsi was also needed. When a person actually studies on a Sunday, one deserved some Pepsi. Like a treat. Treats are good. I wonder if it is possible to train yourself into being better at things by treating yourself when you've been a good boy/girl..... I will look into this...

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