lørdag 22. august 2009


OK. That is the cheesiest expression since the pick-up line "do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past you again?"...
It's accually ridicolous! It's so bad, that if anyone ever use it, in a serious situation, they should be kicked out in an instant.


I can "see" the whole place falls silent, and soon people are starting to whisper, and then the owner shows up, and says "You have.. You have spoken the Unspeakable! GET OUT!", and then he is kicked out, and sits there in the gutter, all night long... Just moaning, sighing and crying over his stupidity... And the reason I'm saying "he", is because the chance of a guy saying that stupid sentence, is 90% I'm not kidding! Just google it! 90-frikkin'-%

Yeah, no, I may have just made that up, now...

Point is... ............................
Yeah... I kinda... Don't have a point...

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