mandag 30. juli 2012

Ashes of Al'ar

We had a bit of a raiding spree earlier today. We did Trial of the Crusader, Eye of Eternity, Obsidian Sanctum and finally Tempest Keep. We had a good group of 5 who just decided to do a crap-load of "low level" raids. 3 of 4 of these raids drop mounts.
I really wasn't expecting the last raid to drop anything. But fuck me it did.

Look at it, in all its glory! The sight gave me shivers. I rolled on that before I did anything else...

I made a little prayer to the Gaming God, took a breath..
Then clicked "need" like everyone else did...

AND I FUCKING WON IT! I rolled a 100! That is the best placed 100 I've ever seen in my entire life. I still can't believe I actually won it! I wish I could share it with one more person, though. I know someone who deserves it.

Look at it! It's wildly awesome! And phoenix-y!
One can assume a few severe fangasms occurred.

onsdag 25. juli 2012

Horror games.

I really don't like scary games. I bought Silent Hill: Origins, once, and I'm still just faffing about in the hospital... I've probably had a collected play time of 10 minutes on that game. I am not a fan of the nurses. And keep expecting to bump into a certain Pyramid Head around every corner.
Don't get me wrong, the nurses are scary as shit, but the thought of having a guy with a massive ... knife? Can that even be described as a knife at that size? Anyway, with a massive knife-sword that enjoys skinning the people he comes across... Not the most approachable feller is he...

So naturally, I've been watching play-throughs of Slender and some of Amnesia. Personally, I found the Amnesia play-throughs a lot more "Going to shit my pants now" than Slender, but then again, I think Slender might be scarier to play yourself than to look at in a play-through. Slender was just creepy. Apparently the monster doesn't look very scary either...
It's creepy, don't get me wrong, but I find other monsters even more scary. And for me, the "Shit bricks" moments are mostly when you see the monster. Then again, I wouldn't want to play Slender either to test out my nerves of steel (read: None existing nerves.. Who the fuck am I kidding anyway..), because I know what would happen.
What would happen is; I would lie under my bed for months with a torch and a knife, making weird hissing noises when people approached the door, living off of dust and crumbs from some sort of naughty meal I had once in bed.

Amnesia... Jesus fucking Christ. I don't ever want to touch that game. I may stretch myself to watch someone play it behind a pillow, but playing it? No. Just no.
LOOK AT THAT THING! How will you not walk away from that game without a million and one nightmares and a ticket to the loony-bin!? That's all I have to say about that.


søndag 15. juli 2012

Twatville High

The great joy of staying at home over the summer is the immense love you have for your siblings. Yeah. The joy you feel when they decide to accuse you for taking things that disappear, when they want to take the scooter even though they don't even have the license, you say no and they start bitching about it hours later because they had to ride a fucking bike.... Because exercise is the devil's work (not that you hear any arguments from me there, but I don't want to be thrown into jail for being partially guilty of the death of my sister)
And they keep going on sending you snide remarks...
Got to love being home with a fucking twat sibling.

Also, saw a mate preform with his band this Friday, they were really good. Ratatosker they're called. Very good stage presence! Regrettably the vocals were hard to hear sometimes as the microphones were really low, but you caught the gist of it. It was really good. The vocalist tried to get the crowd going, bless him. The band members were all over the place. You could really tell they were enjoying themselves.

I wonder how much ass-bacteria that gets wiped off into the couch from people who are unable to pull up their trousers.
Surely it must be quite a lot, I mean think about the amount of people who don't even bother to wash their hands after having been to the toilet, imagine how they wipe their fucking ass! It's disgusting!
They are wiping it on your sofa!
Yes. It's true. Your ass-crack friend is wiping his/her ass on your sofa.

I've been playing some Diablo 3. And the guys in the fucked up place with the spider-lady.... FUCKED UP!! Seriously. Look at these guys! LOOK AT THEM! I want to kill them and save them from their misery :(
They look vile! Like living corpses! Somebody please end their misery!
I honestly struggled getting through that level. I was scared shitless of those things!

On another note, I'm not sure I will go back to playing the campaign over and over, as I really struggled even on normal... I'm such a horrifyingly untalented gamer... But this game is fucked! But maybe I should though, anyway. Diablo's got some piece of fabulous ass! Must be the tail that does it. Proper birth-hips, he's got. I need to print-screen it.

You're welcome.

mandag 2. juli 2012

Mini-road trip

..Only it wasn't really nowhere near a road trip as much as a 5 hour bus trip back and forth.
I went to Oslo last Monday to Wednesday, and it was so incredibly nice to see the lovely people who live there again! My beautiful friends!
Maren left for Beijing on... OK, I'm a terrible friend. It was either the 30th or the 1st.
Beijing. Freaking China! For 6 months!

I'm really glad I was allowed to come up to visit before she left.
We went out on the night  got there to a bar called "3 brødre" (3 brothers) and drank expensive as SHIT drinks, whilst talking about god knows what. My favourite part was when I repeatedly shouted "Vagina" and they were trying really hard to make me stop. Best expressions ever.
To be fair, I didn't really shout.. Was more loud than shout...
I'm such a classy bird.

We had a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant (read: Junk food) afterwards, and then we parted ways. It was so nice of them to come out and see us, I love these guys to bits. I really do.

The day after Marie, Maren and I ventured out into the great city to find a present for Louise, as we were celebrating her birthday/having a good bye party for Maren on Egon (restaurant) later. Maren didn't know this, and the look on her face when she saw everybody sitting there in that restaurant was priceless. She was so happy! :)
But that wasn't until later.

Before that they brought me to this place, Ryes, where they serve BRILLIANT milkshakes, bought a dress and then we went back
(Well. Ran/fled back as it started hailing and/or raining like the gods were doing spring cleaning) to Marie's place where Maren and Marie started stroking a mop.... Yes...
            So that happened.

After the mop-stroking incident, we moved on to Egon's, in wet shoes, and had a lovely meal with people I haven't seen in over a year. It was great.
Maren and Louise both got presents and shit, as it were their thing, and the rest of us left in disappointment. :P

The night was filled with a lot of talking and later on we raped a few helium balloons and had a lot of fun with them. There was a sort-of competition in who could get the squeakiest voice. I think. It may have been just me being overly competitive...
I'm very good at wanting to win...
...So that's a character flaw. You're welcome!
It was so much fun. Especially with Michael who couldn't inhale the helium whether his life depended on it. That was hilarious. 

So yes. It was great seeing people again. Got to meet a few new people as well, which was nice.

We made some sort of a boob-joke
here. I love these guys!
On the last day in Oslo, Maren and I were invited to Louise's place for some food.
She's really good at making little arrangements like that. She made us potatoes with tomatoes and smoked trout. It was delicious!
Delicious like a lawn... Mower... For some reason...
Then we talked about weird places we had moles, which I thoroughly enjoyed as it was one of the more bizarre conversations I've had... Great fun.

But yes, those days were great.
I enjoyed every second of them, and I hope that I'm allowed back to pester them.

We proceeded to rush off, met a fellow Kristiansander on Oslo S, oddly enough, wasted many minutes trying to avoid his weird hugs, and then rushed onwards to the bus station where I had 5 hours of lovely bus-ness in front of me.
Lovely piece of shit!
Now you know. And you've successfully wasted ... erm... some time reading that. Just know that that food was so super-good, you should envy Maren, Louise and I. A lot. Because if was good. Really good. Mmmm!