tirsdag 24. november 2009

Donkey Kong


One of my room-mates has bought a Mario game! It rocks! I've never played a Mario game properly before, so... Yeah!

We've been sitting in front of the TV all four of us the past two night and playing... Yeah it was fun...
Yellow mushroom-headed-man-power! Oh yeah! (...Yellow Toad... I looked it up :P)
Anyway, the game is ace.

søndag 8. november 2009

Calculator rash

Frog buttons, and lemon pudding. With Yolk from an egg that expired 3 years ago.

Beheaded monkey

Woah... You know what I just realised?
We're soon in 2010!

That's totally WILD, man!
It's... Totally MIND BLOWING!!!

...I definitely think that we should have walking beds with umbrellas and flying carpets, and ... stuff! Yeah... I drew that when I was... Maybe 10... That's how I thought 2100 would be... I think 2010 should be like that!

Man, we're old...
2010.... EVERYTHING is just... Science-fiction! Where are the robots raging? Where are the plasma guns? Where have all the flowers gone?

...This country is cold... I want my very own pet-volcano... Just a cute little one... Not the "end-of-the-world" sized ones... They are too.. Apocalyptic for my taste... Even though I LIKE apocalyptic things, I'd like to be able to control it, you know...
yeah... That'll be the new fashion!

"Paris Hilton attending to her cute little volcano, in her home in Hollywood... Awww... It's having an eruption!"


Alphabetical order

Outside my window, I got around.... 50 mosquitoes MATING.
I need a bug-spray...

They are squeezing against my window like a zombie trying to eat a human through a door...

Dirty dirty mosquitoes. I bet they love it. Filthy bugs.
"And O', What do I see, I do believe I see a human victim o'er there! In the yonder! Let's go an' suck it's blood, 'till there is no more! O' an' covered in bug bites, surely!"

....Mosquitoes are pure evil.
No question.

God is a sadist.

The end.

torsdag 5. november 2009


Yeah... This one was a failure.....
Even if I DID manage to get up at 8, I would have been killed by my room-mate who HATES bagpipes....
Oh well...

It's the 5th of November, so I should say:

Remember remember the fifth of November,
the Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
I see no reason
why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot...

Heh, yeah....
Have fun burning the guy on a bonfire, and all that.....

O! By the way: The seasons first snowball was made yesterday. Very important mark indeed.
And the first THROWN snowball was today... Which is also an important mark...

onsdag 4. november 2009


So... The statistics on the "poor cow" experiment was... Meh..
I got a: "Yeah, I was expecting that... I kinda hinted on you saying 'poor cow' you know..."... So I guess that one is a failure....
I also got into an argu... a discussion. About why people are vegetarians, and suchlike. I guess that is another fail..
And the third one was a blank stare and a "It's pig". I definitely think that one was a success.
Oh yeah.
I can't remember the rest.... I guess I don't watch people eat too much....
Anyway, Next week I'm going to ... Wait... The rest of this week, I'll get up at 8 in the morning, and practise my bagpipe imitation-sound-thingy....
Yes.... Power to MEEE!