tirsdag 31. januar 2012


This is a Tuesday. So far we've had a bomb threat here in Swansea, and a guy I was scout with died last night.
It's terrible!
I imagine this week will be extremely good...

Well. So there's that.

Here is a picture of my foot. You are welcome.
...You've probably seen this before...
I know, it's amazing. 

Anyway, last day of the month now, wonder what sort of mischief I should get up to today... Not much I'm guessing. I'm just that fun! (cough)
Yesterday we made D&D characters (Dungeons & Dragons) and started playing the game slightly. I'm the DM (Dungeon Master. The boss. The layer of the land. The God. The supreme overlord. The master. The.. Yeah, the creator.) and I've never DM'd before. So that's interesting. I hope they will be pleased with it in its simplicity. I made a map...
Actually, no. I made two maps. And I think I spent more time making those than actually planning out the game.
Which is bad.
I know what will happen in certain places, but I have literally no idea what puzzles I will put in there.
Well. I should get crackin'.

Social Darwinism is fun.

I miss summer. This eternal autumn is getting dreary and mundane. Or winter. But mostly summer. I want to go swimming and stay under water for 99,99% of the time!
I want to go scuba-diving again! I've not done that since Egypt, which was... Some years ago... I don't remember....
All the pictures from that trip is now on my hard-drive... That died.. Anyone know a good technician who is an expert of saving content from external hard-drives?
I will pay big money to the one who do!
Anyway, there's that.
I think I've written too much now... BYE!


BOOYAH! We did it!
We won. There, I said it.

mandag 30. januar 2012

[Insert cliché title here]

I have a confession to make.
Every month (since I found out about the page-view thing) I have a small competition with myself to see if we can beat the monthly page-view.
This has worked to some extent. Somehow. Nearly. A little bit.
OK it actually did work.
Ever since I decided to copy my good friend @sciurusaurus on Twitter and spam my blog on there, it's shot through the roof! FOLLOW HIM! HE'S AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS! ... 
I need to get a rude/douchebag jar as soon as overly possible.
Fine, OK, Through the roof is relative. But it did compared to what it used to be.

I'm a sad person.

Fun picture that ... Yes. Twitter was involved with that as well. 99,99% of all the pictures I use on here has been on Twitter at some point, I'm guessing.. So apologies for that. 
Well good one!
Cheerio old bean!

søndag 29. januar 2012

Pink sheep.

This just blew my mind.
We found 1 single sheep on our Atlantis-mountain city-Eden-lair server, but I've never seen one again after that. And now, I randomly go into my single-player world, my "Explode a mountain" world, where I don't build anything, I just stack a mountain of TNT and set it off, I find 3! I found 3 naturally spawned pink sheep in my rubbish trash world! How cool is that! I did spawn a million mooshrooms, so I spent a bit of time killing them... But I must state that, even though this might sound suspicious with the new egg-things Mojang inserted, I DID NOT SPAWN ANY SHEEP. Just the Mooshrooms. I just found this a hilariously awesome coincidence. 3 pink sheep in a very close proximity! And here they are!

Oh, And I also didn't breed anyone. I will though. Maybe. If I'm fussed. BUT LOOK HOW COOL THEY ARE!! :D
Apparently their spawning rate is 0.164%

lørdag 28. januar 2012

Cars with worry-worthy stickers.

So... I found this in the car park (happy, Stephen? :P Thanks, also.) the other day....
I'm not sure whether I should call the police or the nearest orphanage....

I'm not really sure if I need to comment on this.

On another note: I'm sick! Feel sorry for me! :P

onsdag 25. januar 2012

Musical Miscommunication.

I don't see the ... How do I put this delicately... I don't see how people can enjoy the shit that they call "Techno" in this day and age. All I hear is the same tone beeping over and over again throughout the song! How is that pretty!? How?? TELL ME HOW!? Blehr. Nope.
Then again, Bach quickly gets slightly boring as well.
It's hard to please everyone.

The guy above me REALLY enjoys stomping.
There is also a person in my halls which is really easy to tell is awake by the ... slamming of doors... It's unreal how much this person actually slams his/her doors!
Rant over.

tirsdag 24. januar 2012


A friend of mine, Carina, showed me this:
I love her for showing me that.
This is a site dedicated to the douchebaggery of Superman.
Now, how epic is that!
I love it! I notice that I feel particularly affectionate towards whoever made this site.

... I also made a tiny little tribute with this picture I've used before... Slightly modified this time, though.

Click here if you're interested in reading the previous Superman rant! 
It is very very ranty.

WTB creativity (Not like the previously mentioned creativity, the cool kind.)

It's kind of hard to make up new shit all the time. I am fucking useless in the performing arts shite we're doing nowadays.

Random Teacher Person: "Any ideas?"
*The whole class but me put their hand up in the air and certain others starts telling us about it even though the teacher clearly wanted us to shut up until told otherwise*
Me: "I'll just stand here in this corner wearing this Jumbo hat."
*Puts on Jumbo hat*

Yes. That is basically every class. My creativity has hit a dry spot.

I did however turn out to be the class hero (that may be a self-proclaimed title.) and close a window where I had to climb up on a desk and then on top of a wardrobe and then again over a little ledge. My hands got dirty. I don't think people tend to hang out up there any more. They really should get a ladder for it. Maybe more people would go up there then. And the cleaning-ladies could clean up that dreadful mess they left behind there.

Yay, pretty leaves.
Hmmm, what else to say...

Doom is always cool.

Oh, and make me a king, please! I really would like that. They always look like they have so much fun! Like standing on a veranda waving like a git, whilst planning to take over Sweden and Denmark while they are sleeping, forcing THEIR kings again to sign an agreement where they give all their stuff to me and power and might and all that lovely crap. And THEN proceed to Finland and Russia. Maybe make Russia believe we want to... Actually. I may have to wait a little bit with Russia. It's quite a big country...
This is all strictly theoretical of course...
No matter!
I will have to go to class now, and put on my Jumbo hat.
L8er g8er....
My soul just died a little.

onsdag 18. januar 2012

Artsy fartsy stuff

I got bored in class, but decided that I should post this to show I too, have a lame, sappy, wannabe-poetic side to things.
It's proper bad. I'll warn you now: You can still stop reading and closing down the browser!
OK. Here we go:

On the brighter side of things,
when the little sparrow flew for the first time,
the pride of the moment made the sun shine a little brighter right there and then.
And then there was a nuclear war and the world ended.
The End
It's not like the bird would survive or anything.
What do you really think!
Toxic areas you can't even come close to without getting poisoned with radioactive shite.
No way!
That's the end, that.
You managed to ruin a whole planet.
I hope you're happy.

That's it.
I decided to leave out a super-depressing one about forgotten-ness and oblivion and shit, because it was just too emo to be funny. So yeah. I'm a closet emo.

You know my dark deep secret.
I need to find some spray-on hair colour and colour my hair black and buy razor blades and shit

tirsdag 17. januar 2012

Getting lost.

Getting lost on YouTube is an art form. Or it should be. It could be.
I found an amazing song by Donovan by exactly doing that: getting lost on YouTube.

Listen! You know you want to!

Anyway, these past days have been slightly lonely, but not too lonely. I kinda enjoyed this loneliness. Not really loneliness when you enjoy it though, is it. I was just anti-social.
...I forgot why I mentioned that now...
Yay for pointless notations!

I should also practice the homework we've been given: know a huge excerpt from some play of a sort by Friday. I can already tell that this particular class will be my Achilles heel. But no matter, I can just take an arrow to the knee and never worry about it ever again.
Did you like my Skyrim joke?
Hah, I don't even play Skyrim!

I need to get a life. Right now.

Aaaanyway, I've been absolutely obsessed with a new series called Sherlock. I LOVE THAT MAN, AND I WANT HIS BRAIN.
Transplant it into my head NAO PLOX.
I would kill to be that clever. I mean murder brutally.

Not really. I may have just been slightly over-eager. As you get sometimes.
I want a violin.
A proper nice one. I must admit, Sherlock inspired me a little bit on the drooling-on-violins, but I have wanted to learn to play one since I were a smaller Maria. A tiny one.
A freakishly small one, actually.
Actually drooling on violins sounds extremely nasty. Imagine someone playing on it after? Ew.
That is simply just too nasty and one should abandon this idea sporadically.
It's not like the saxophone where you can pour the Nasty back out. You have to wait till it dries!

Right, so that was that. Brain candy, much?
I wish!

fredag 13. januar 2012

Friday the 13th.

For Friday the 13th, I've not had much bad luck.
Apart from broken friendships and a computer program not working and such.

Got to love drama, eh...

Have helped two friends move houses today and yesterday. I am really happy that one of them moved as she lived in a really mouldy house. So I'm really glad she got out of there. I met her mother as well! And she could talk! That was hilarious. She was a nice woman though.

But. Being at both sides of the drama, I hear things. I wish they didn't get to me but they do. Because when I compare what the person said to me and what they said the person said to them, it doesn't add up. So either we are dealing with a big fat liar or... another liar.
Well actually one of the people could have forgotten stuff, to be fair, but doubt has been sown. Plus I already had my doubts. It is slightly sad that it's gotten this far. Actually doubting the honesty of some of your friends.
So whatever the outcome is, it won't be good... Yay I love drama that evolves.

Enough about that now.

Look! A cityscape!
I like that blue colour. Swansea is beautiful at night!
Really is.

Oh, watched a theatre piece last night, called Project Sense, it was quite good! The start freaked me out quite good. There was a lady walking like a ballet dancer, and all the time looked like she would stand on her toes! I was thinking "OMG PLEASE DON'T! NO PLEASE DEAR GOD, PLEASE DON'T DO IT!" all the way through that. She didn't walk like that all the time, thank Christ, but it was really good.
Weird, but good.


We discussed "evil" today in Contextual studies.
I found this really interesting, as everyone have a different opinion on what it is.
We were shown a clip from Batman where the Joker were the victim and Batman was the 'evil' one. That was fun.
And also of actors who were playing Iago from the play Othello, where they had to justify his opinion to be able to be the character better. It's quite clear that Shakespeare used to be a highly intelligent man. What Iago said (from an excerpt  from the play) was extremely clever. I can't remember exactly what he said, but he basically called the human race evil and said "yeah, I don't fear Hell, so go right ahead and send me there, God, old man!". Which is.. Myes.
It was quite easy to agree with some of the things he said. They were formulated very well.
But it is probably easier to agree with a charismatic manipulator because of the very careful and calculated formulation, anyway, so hopefully I wasn't the only one agreeing.
I really liked this class, today. We discussed a lot, like if it was OK to be a paedophile "in your mind" even if you're not acting upon it.
I do like that people seem to think that revenge is OK if you only justify it enough. If someone "killed your family" or something, yes, of course you will want to do terrible things to the killer, but it still doesn't make it less "evil" to want the revenge. Actually, can we say that "rage" is evil?
Seeing as when we're enraged we tend to do the most cruel of things, don't we.
Amusing, this so called evil, isn't it!
And so fascinating to just hear peoples opinions of it!
So much fun! :P

tirsdag 10. januar 2012


Do not set your face on fire, please.
You will regret it.

Fo realz yo.

søndag 8. januar 2012

My sister the "mastermind"

My sister wanted me to write about how clever she is.
This will naturally happen.
My sister is so smart she manage to misspell the word "funny".
My sister is so smart she can solve basic puzzles.
My sister is so smart she knows what "Egocentric" means.
My sister is so smart she managed to figure out Lisbeth Salander has eidetic memory. In the sequel.
My sister is so smart she thinks "AH AM A UNICORN" sounds clever. Whilst wearing her fringe straight out.

She did however take time off from work to say good-bye to me :D That was really sweet and made me a very happy sister.

lørdag 7. januar 2012


"Taunt of the Lich King. Out now. Be there when the evil Lich King taunts his enemies....
That impending doom is upon them....
By mooning them!
Order now, and join the insulted masses of Arseroth!"

... I should just ditch drama and be a game developer RIGHT NOW.

What's the difference I wonder!!!

I... I was kinda looking at them on Youtube... Because I apparently love torturing myself by giving me nightmares for all eternity in addition to a gigantic paranoia OCD where I scrub myself till I'm bleeding. With a steel sponge.
I want to eat ... something ... erm ... SOAP!
Yes. Scrub myself internally. I still haven't gotten over that House M.D. episode where that male porn star had his liver infected with worms, and survived because of them.
GOD DAMN they are nasty!
Crawling and slithering around in your body... Feeding on you...!
Then, I somehow managed to move over to Kung Fu.
I have no idea how, but I did.
I'm not complaining, I would probably still be in the bath if I had kept watching those utterly disgusting little films.

Ooooohhhhh... Fucking shitty curiosity.
I am not pleased.

Oh, and I would also like to congratulate classmates on being able to apply for a workshop with the Volcano theatre in March! This is a brilliant opportunity, and it is much deserved! You are incredibly skilled people! :)

torsdag 5. januar 2012

Got milk?

Not long until I'm going back to Swansea now. The time says 3 days. But I haven't slept yet, so it's technically still 4.
I really am looking forward to seeing my half-Irish half-English gang again! Yes. Mine.
I own them. They belong to me now.
OHMYGOD I need to pull pranks on them.
Pranks are needed.
We're getting very very drama-like, so someone needs to stop this. Before it's too l.. Actually it's already too late.

People not talking to each other when one is insulted and such. Communication is important.
I truly hope the people involved will talk to each other, or just stop being insulted. In my opinion, a person can't be insulted when/if the other person doesn't even know the other person is offended.
Sure, one should be careful to use what others have shared, but when you're not even aware...
Talking is important.

Man up, grow some balls, and TALK.

But then again, the vicious puppeteer in the corner is not really that cool either. Subtly steering our conversations and opinions the way they want....
Or acting stupid to seem cuter...

Next term, or year, will be different. I'm definitely going to be telling people to "man up" a lot more.

I sure do love them, and it's important to be supportive of your friends, but when you're creating problems by not talking about something, then stop bitchin' and start spillin'!

Oh look!
Ohh look! An upside-down river-lake-thing! From Tveit!
Inspired by Amy who had a profile picture on Facebook turned like that.
I have ranted enough tonight.
I should man up and grow some balls! :P


tirsdag 3. januar 2012


Yes. Grammar.
Today I read something terribly horrible on Facebook.
There was a girl saying she had avoided the cold and other diseases... AND SHE MISSPELLED "COLD"!!
OK. This was in Norwegian, where "Cold" is "Forkjølelse".
She wrote "Forsjølelse"..........
So as you can see we have a "kj" (a "khhhhjj" sound made at the back of the throat) sound that is slowly dying out because youth is too lazy and replace it with the "sj" (a shhh sound. Very sloppy.) sound.
It sounds terrible.
And when people speak it, they also write it the way they speak if they are ignorant enough to not remember their own language.
I think it's important to preserve the PROPER WAY OF SPEAKING and not taking a killer shit on it.

The kids today....!
I'm such an old bitter fart.

søndag 1. januar 2012

Happy New Year

Yay, the year of the apocalypse is upon us. May you all have a frightfully good year up to that point! I mean by all means... If you are still alive after the apocalypse, I salute you.. And hope you make it work then too.
Surviving an apocalypse.
Someone should write a book on that (hah).
Will add a firework photo when I get home for good measure!
Edit: ADDED! As promised!

Happy new year everyone! :)
Hope your wishes will come true and unicorns will poo and fairies will sniff glue.
I know. I'm hilarious. :P