mandag 28. desember 2009


Eonar or BFD.....

Gone with the wind

I'm leaviiing on a jet plane (or more accurately, bus)

I wonder when I'll get my computer back...
I hope I'll get a new one O.o

Hmmm, I need to pack...

lørdag 26. desember 2009

My god...

I just got Twitter.... How bad is that?
I'll say... Pretty bad.

Just to answer my own question... I enjoy answering my own questions...

O! My sister compared me to Stewie in Family Guy today :S That worried me a little bit... Isn't he trying to kill his mother, or something? :S
At least that's what I've heard... Never was the biggest fan of that show... It's a cheap Simpsons parody.. Even though that creepy guy that likes the fat son (Chris?) is pretty awesome/hilarious (I've seen Blue Harvest... That's how I know these things... :P)

It's not a particularly good series, Family Guy. It's got cheap humour, annoying main-characters, and plenty of unlikeable characters... (Like Peter. He's the worst main character ever!)

Bah. Humbug.

Joy to the world......

The years first snowman! :D With the worlds smallest head....

torsdag 24. desember 2009

Ho ho ho!

Meeerry Christmas, ye scallywags!

Enjoy the traditional TV-crap, and try not to eat out of your skins!
And stuff.
YEAH! Cinderella power, and stuff :P

onsdag 23. desember 2009


My computer is seriously cursed.

Damn.... thing...

søndag 20. desember 2009

Norgesmesteskap i motorsag!

Det er rart hva man får med seg bare ved å skru på en forbanna TV....

Mamma mia!

I think an Italian restaurant in Italy should be called that...

onsdag 16. desember 2009

Lola, the singing bee

I took the test again.
Because I lost the first result.

I GOT SYMBOLIC as my most dominant characteristic!! HOW is that even possible? :S I didn't change my answers that much :S
Obviously, a little, but what I thought was right...

Boring subject...

I want a cat called Eureka... Next year, baby, I will get one! ...I like cats...

Klaus, die kleine kartoffel, bitte!

I found an annoying "what part of your brain do you use"-test-thingy.


It just WON'T turn around! It's annoying as hell!
I managed it to turn it counter-clockwise two times, or so..
But I had looked away from it for a few seconds... But it's impossible to make it go that way on purpose! :S

And I always heard that the right side of your brain was the logical one... So I got quite scared.
And started wondering whether I was a really, really misunderstood mathematical genius, which would have made sense with those test results I had in maths... And when I say "really", I mean REALLY.

So I started my search for a new and exciting test.... (Yeah, that means the first result I got... I'm apparently too lazy to look properly around..)
So I found this!

And my fear vanished like the forests vanishes near humans!

And it was kinda cool....
Random is my most dominant characteristic, apparently... With 58% on the right brain-score-thing.. I found that kind of cool... Slightly disturbing, but cool...
And I got 0% in Symbolic stuff... (like solving a mathematical problem etc.) in my left brain-thing... And that's just plain hilarious. I mean... "Hello, you are completely, and utterly useless in solving stuff without actually seeing the object/stuff"
It's always good to know you're useless when you have a maths exam...

That test is really cool though... That last one... 'Cause it calculates and stuff... Mhm.

Yeah... Kawabunga

søndag 13. desember 2009

Julenatt og tyttebær

Yum Yum. This is what I LOVE about this day... Mhm.
Sankta Lucia FTW!

No idea why we celebrate it... We're not even a catholic nation...

O! Two years ago, at Heimtun, we had all the teachers comming in in our rooms, singing the Sankta/Saint Lucia song, with those buns, and it was really really cozy. The rock/metal teacher was playing a violin, while the photograph-teacher was wearing the crown of lights.
It was fun.

I like traditions!
ESPECIALLY when there is a fire-hazard to it.

And this one certainly has one.
Just look at the picture! The "Lucia"-girl looks like she's ready to put some lights on, to put it that way!
Hah, the boy to her right looks like he's about to make a run for it....
Yeah... Good boy..
Knowing when to stop carrying insanely-flammable-stuff, is a good gift. Especially on this day. Or New Years Eve...
Well, actually... Especially on New Years Eve.....

Yeah.... I like traditions...
O! Like chocolate advent calendars.....
Oh yeah.
O! Or all the cakes we bake... And marzipan.. And chocolate...
And chocolate-marzipan...

Especially that last one.

Incredible monkey stances!

Tentacle porn!!

Tribute to my two room-mates who tend to say that a lot...
Oh yeah!

lørdag 12. desember 2009

Holy Night

Hopehopehope my computer isn't a bitch....

Every restart is like discovering whether you forgot to put on your pants or not, on your way to school/work/etc....

Insane joy when you discover that you have, or that crushing disappointment when you discover you really did forget them...

fredag 11. desember 2009

Guttural howl


This was too good to leave out.
Just too good.



It's a flipping miracle that internet has lasted as long as it has!
It's like a whole new era in my computer has started!

It's like an AA just sobered up :D

..Although.. I haven't closed down the site yet.... I haven't dared...
What if My Magnificent Computer decided to get all PMS on me again?
No, I wouldn't want that.
A horrid though, it is!

... To be continued....


onsdag 9. desember 2009

Enter only when drunk

My computer hates me.
It's amazing how bad a computer it is.
It's amazing that I'm able to whine about it in this blogg!

For an insanely long time it haven't allowed me to open my web browser. Well... Open, But no touchy.
Not literally touching either.. I meant surfing.

Denying its master some precious internet time.... It should be keelhauled!

It's like I'm saying.. This computer is the future leader of the Robot Uprising! Or a distant cousin....

Anyway, I'm going to deliver it back to HP, and cross my fingers for a brand new one... A less rebellious one...

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!