lørdag 26. mars 2011

Dolly Parton.

Dolly Parton is the perfect example of someone ruining themselves trying to stay young forever and ever... (I won't even begin to mention Michael Jackson.)
Look how beautiful she was in her youth, and I imagine she'd be much more beautiful if she had aged naturally... Look at that face! She's gorgeous!

Rather than looking like this scarecrow. I'm sorry, but that's what she is. Imagine what those boobs must feel like to wear! I'm surprised she's not wearing a knapsack full of rocks for balance!

I really like the way they used to make music... A person with a guitar. Nothing more, nothing less, singing their opinions, as they try to lure a subtle meaning into the song. Now that's music that makes me happy :) Well OK.. Maybe some soft chorus and careful drumming and piano in the background, but they shouldn't steal the attention away from the person with the guitar.

Music is beautiful! It makes me think of butterflies :P

Aww... Look how pretty! :D

torsdag 24. mars 2011

Take me to a bar with women!

Fabelaktig is a horrible word. It means fabulous. Fabulous on the other hand is a brilliant word.

How awesome would it be to own a bar, and just get looooaaads of minors drunk, and violate them behind the bar, and then kill them and make soup out of them and sell it as the "speciality of the bar". Err.. Look a pretty moon-picture! I swear it looked just like that, too! Which is the awesome part! And I also notice that I got a bit of the house in the picture too... I'm just that good.

Look! Perdy!

I would really like to light a house on fire sometime. Just for fun... Maybe not one that is habituated.... Though if I managed to walk away from that fire labelled a hero, then that would be fucking epic.

Have you ever wanted to light a house on fire? Maim and kill? Plunder and rape?

OK... I may mock blogs now... :P 

onsdag 16. mars 2011

Family name

I wonder if it's possible to add something to your last name... Like Mac. Or Mc...
MacHarbak would be awesome. I got a suggestion for O'Harbak, which would be kinda cool too.

OH!!!! And design your family crest and stuff would be awesome too...

Yes... I made one. LOOK! :D

The Harbak Family crest. Please note the M in the crown for Maria. It's true. And the dinosaurs are there because we're descendants of them. Not apes. We're too cool. 
And also,
Salute to one of my idols who parted from us the 10th of march this year. Granddad, you will forever be remembered. Hats off to you!

torsdag 10. mars 2011


I just visited my friend Carina in Middlesbrough, England. It was lovely!
Pretty street in the evening, on the way to Frank.
We really just chilled, and she showed me parts of Middlesbrough, and I was amazed by a specific shop that was called Cucumber.
Want to guess what that really was?
Here it is. The wretched Cucumber.
A hairdresser. A friggin' hairdresser called Cucumber. Where is the logic? Where is the appealing message hidden in the name? Does 'Cucumber' mean you'll look like a cucumber on your head after visiting? I wouldn't like to test the Moirai (goddesses of fate and destiny) to find out. They might end up cutting my life-string instead... And over what, a Cucumber!? No, Sir, I will not have any of that!
And I was so sure it was a sodding restaurant, that I even suggested going there when we were eating out.
I mean what about "Cucumber" does not state "food"? I mean really. Who think "hair" when they hear Cucumber? Maybe they had a hard time deciding on the name and just opened a dictionary, got C and pointed on that word.... Maybe if they had come a little further up they'd get Cock, and that, that would be mighty unfortunate. Who would go to a hairdresser named after a fucking chicken!?
But then again, those who want vegetable hair, would probably go to a fucking cock hairdresser...
*giggle* OK I'm being childish.
But it's a little fun...

Anyhow, was really nice to see Carina again, she lived in a nice-but-freezing flat, and we huddled together under her quilt and watched Ventrue Bros. and Twilight Zone. It was great fun :) And very nice.

Edinburgh Castle
Oh, and I also had a two-day-trip with Maren to Edinburgh! We walked through the whole friggin' city and went bonkers on seeing stuff and.... PICTURES!

These guys really know how to name stuff!
Oh, and we tasted the worlds best FUDGE! My tongue died a little, and was resurrected when I tasted that.
I couldn't help but laugh a little at that name..
It was an incredibly beautiful city, and I wouldn't think twice if someone wanted to drag me back there :)
Bobby! The awesome Greyfriar's dog.
Awesome! YEEHAW