onsdag 23. juni 2010


Yaaay, The national (no idea whether it's international, so I don't dare to claim anything that might not be true) bonfire and barbecue day! Hooray!

And my sister claims to be pregnant, which is not true. Which is good. Or I would have killed her. I would like to remind you of a wonderful Sørlands sang! That is always wonderful to remember:


Æ har seilt på alle hav, ja æ har vore på seilas,
æ har seilt så alle seil har gått i fille,
har forlist i sydatlanten, blitt slått ned i Caraças,
å ei gang blei æ nerpå eden a de ville.

På ei palmeøy i stillehavet rodde mi i land,
æ å Reinert å en kokk fra Renneville,
å mi rosla rondt på øya å beså oss liddegrann,
å plutsli blei mi anfalt a en bande ville.

I å med at denne Reinert hinka rondt på konstig bein,
va det ikkje rå å løbe fra de ville,
snart så sadsd mi der fortøya sånn til hver vår palmegrein,
å mi forsto at mi va faren rekti ille.

å kannibalane de diska opp me gryder å me kar,
me gullerøddå, kålerabi å persille,
å kokken hakka tenne, tenk han blei så bleig å rar,
å tenk teslutt begynte tårane å trille.

Du måkje sidde dær å tude, seie æ så blidt e kan,
denslags gjør nåk ikkje inntrykk på de ville,
å de ville hakje ennå lagt potetane i vann,
så du får ta ein røy å sitte ganske stille.

Ein a de svarte kunne engelsk så æ brukte han som tolk,
å så sa æ du må seie te de ville,
at som kjøtt betrakta e mi ikkje slig som andre folk,
mi e ei blanding uda hai å krokodille.

å så seie e te Reinert du må skrue beine a,
å så slenge du det ove te de ville,
å den ville skaren hylte som et opprørt tropehav,
å tenk te slutt blei skaren ganske, ganske stille.

Ja no sånt no vakje edanes, det skjønte de så klart,
som kunne dele se i bede som de ville,
å det ruktes rondt på øyane det va jo ikkje rart,
at folk fra Sørlande de smage rekti ille.
Yeah... It's wonderful.. No idea why this post is in English, but you know. It happens.

tirsdag 15. juni 2010

Jenka dans

Another birthday is over and done with... Hooray..
Watching a Norwegian comedy-show by some who takes the piss... Like applying for a job at the doctors office, but not knowing anything about the job, just saying "I feel like a doctor. Yep. Yes I do.. I am a doctor in my heart.. In the depth of my soul" and suchlike... Was hilarious... And they place hidden camera inside the room where the doctors etc. sit and discuss them afterwards... It's hilarious...

søndag 13. juni 2010

Go go Lions!

Pandas are awesome.

Go go Pandas!

lørdag 12. juni 2010

Robot Rage

I want a robot-car.
That can drive on its own.
So that I can sleep while driving.
Oh yeah.

torsdag 10. juni 2010

Incinerated Dog Excrements

Banks suck. They say they send you a new card, but do they? No.
They are as absent minded as a squirrel on speed.

Anyhow, now I would like to see a Squirrel on speed........
Would be a fun experiment.
Slightly dangerous for the squirrel, but that is a risk I am willing to take...

onsdag 9. juni 2010

Anthropic logic collides with Cumulus

I went to the shops today with my beloved blonde sister. It was a lovely summers day with a few clouds, and an unholy temperature.
She borrowed me money to still my cravings for crisps, and of other unhealthy stuff.
So I stepped into my flip-flops and we went on our way.
After we had bought our things, and bickered about our sisterly things, I asked her to hold the bag of crisps while I tied my shoes.
She, well meaning as she is, took the bag while I laughed maniacally.
On the way home she also told me wonderful stories, about looking to the skies, when someone told her they saw a dead bird...................

I love teasing her, my hobby number 1.
This was a tribute to that hobby.
It's wonderful.......
Hmmm... Maybe I could write this in rhymes?
Nah.... Maybe some other day...

lørdag 5. juni 2010


Hmmm.. Was kind of small... But what do you think? Should possibly get someone else than Sparkle in there, too, though, but....

Oh yeah. The Fabulous Merrymen FTW!

torsdag 3. juni 2010


Just my little masterpiece... to become the temporary banner of The Fabulous Merrymen's guild site! Oh yeah!

It's temporary.... While the server is down, I can't take some proper pictures to glue in there..... So I had to improvise... With Paint.... It's awesome right? Just dazzling? Just... Fabulous?

OK I'm going to Hell....