torsdag 30. juli 2009


100!!! W00t!


The title speaks for itself.
55 mosquitobites. On me. RIGHT NOW!
It kinda itches.....
Memo to self: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT stick arms or legs out while sleeping.
Heh... The worst super-hero ever would be Mosquito-Man
"I make my enemies itch!"
Yeah... And when he's trying to sneak-attack his enemies, he just gets smacked by a gigantic newspaper... Mweheheh.... Yeah... I quite like that..
And the weapon he most fears is the Horrible Bugspray of Doom!

Yeah... No, we should make mosquito-farms and make them attack people, and then catch them again, and then we have our very own blood-bank.
Hardy harr harr...

No mosquitoes should get exterminated.
Wouldn't cry a single tear if they did. Oh no!
Mark my words!
The day the mosquitoes gets exterminated is the day the world will celebrate together, and all wars will stop, and everyone will sing and dance and.. Stuff!

.... ahhhr! Right... Scratch 55.... I think i just found another one....

Pizza is good. Mmm mm.

tirsdag 28. juli 2009



oh my god!

I DID IT!!!!

søndag 26. juli 2009

'Cause you're no poet, man, you just want everyone lookin' at you.

Right. Early in the mornin' I'd like to say that The Animals - It's My Life rocks, hard.
And long.
Because it does.

torsdag 23. juli 2009

GÜNTER the sexy yeti.

Just felt like saying something about the current situation in.... Norway.
I'd like to ask for 5 minutes silence for the dead ... cow... that died... earlier today.
Thank you.

Cake = Lie?

For the record: This is fucking great.
Yeah. Someone pointed it out on a geek-site, and I decided to steal it for my blog. It's fucking hillarious.
I mean really. I nearly peed my .. skirt!
I didn't, by the way.

Anyway, The Sims 3 seems kinda... Entertaining.... I don't know why... It just does.
I guess the marketing-guy did a good job, there. Right. Team, probably.
Anyway, bygones.

Oh. And I also want to try Portal again. It rocked...
Maybe I should make a gigantic killer-robot, that enjoys rambeling on about a cake that probably is so stale that makes Ghandi look like Buddah, suger coated, and covered in hamburgers...
Yeah.. Maybe I should.
And put out a lot of death traps, ofcourse. So that people'll die and stuff.... STUFFING FOR THE CAKE!!! Oh my god. Human cake!
This computer sure is psyco...
I'm glad I'll die a quick death, from the odd-coloured gasses that emerges from a vent in the gigantic robot somewhere, designed to kill everybody else, but the robot woke up too early, so it used all the deadly-dodgy-lookin'-gass on me instead...
When I think about it, I'll bring a gassmask everywhere I go from now on....

Yeah, no, I don't wanna die while making a gigantic killer robot..... I want to know I have some power. And accually.. I'll have to make it very easy to kill it, if it tries anything... Like killing me... Yeah. Like a round ball-ish looking thing that doesn't look too important, and... And a gun that can make me go to other places in the room... And another gun that does the same thing, but they are linked somehow. YEAH! That's brilliant.
Yeah... If only videogames were real..............................................
That would rock.

Spyro rocks too, by the way, when talking about videogames.
Oh yeah.

Oh! I watched House for the first time yesterday. It rocked. I want to be like House when I grow up. Old and bitter! Yeah!

Anyway, I've been rambeling on enough now...

onsdag 22. juli 2009

Frodo, Don't Wear the Ring

It's a magical bling bling... :D

Yeah. It's now officially 9 days left in France.
Ican'twaittogohome! *teenage fit*

Yeah. It'll be great to get back home and...taste mah mama's cookin' beefore ah leaaaave agaaain ohn a a-ero-plane to Egypt, y'all... That'll be great.... I only hope that I won't get home after the university started.... I kinda realize that I should have said "no" to the two weeks, and just gone with 1 week after all... But then again... I guess we wouldn't be able to see the pyramids then...
Ah.. Well, well. Pyramids > school, that's what I say :D And the graph says it all. Pyramids win. Big time.

What if the pyramids have these fancy schmancy hieroglyphs that tells us where Atlantis is? :O
That would be AWESOME!

mandag 20. juli 2009


Aaaaw! FFS! ALWAYS a minute late! What's up with that! Arh...


Just... Ticking in to point out the funny time. Yes, the word is "issues" and "mental" but screw you. SCREW YOU ALL!!!!
-runs out screaming, and tearing hair off-


11 days left in Le Frogland avec Froglings et Snails, Oui?, wich is nice. Accually, it's very nice. Exceptionally nice. Increadibly nice. It's great. Fantastic, even!
Oh yes. 9 workdays, and two lovely days off.... I don't think I can point it out enough that I'm going home in 11 days. FOREVER!
Right... Not forever... That would suck a little, again... I mean.. Not being able to travel, and stuff...
In the meanwhile, whilst still in France, I'll write angry letters to the Froggy President, and the Froggy Minister, if they have one... Oh that's right... They don't have a king! Hah! BURN!
Monarchy rocks ass!
Oh yes. Indeedy it does.

Oh, by the way:
Just adorable.
"I want to be the wicked witch!"
Oh yeah. She's awesome.
And she's got a whole empire of flying blue monkies!
Wi(t)ch is awesome, ofcourse. And those thingies with pikes.
"I'm meeeeeeeelting, meeeelting!" Hah, she's adorable :D
All tribute to Margaret Hamilton.

I want to be like her when I grow up.
Well... The magic part, anyway... I mean.. The whole "go green, for evilness" is a little... Old... Not that I have anything against green people! Au contraire! I'm very un-racist, accually! I guess green people are awesome. Just like blue people. Etc. I don't want to exclude all the other colours... Just for the record.

But pink people. Ugh. Yeah. They suck. I mean, they try to look macho and all, but do they succeed? No way. No way, what so ever could they ever, ever, EVER succeed.
They look like ballerinas! And Barbie dolls! And stuff!

I'm worn out... Being pink-people-racist is tough.

søndag 19. juli 2009


So yeah. More dreams.... It's been crazy with dreams lately! Like I said in my previous post....
It's like The Day of Doom and Stuff is comming.....
We might have gotten a flat for this school year! Wich is great! And I really want a cat O.o
It would be awesome. Because they are adorable... And awesome. Ohh, if I ever get a cat I want a brown fluffy one... One with loads of brown colours "in one" and pretty fur. But fluffy. And it'll be all cuddly and cute.....
It would be awesome.
Oh yeah... I really hope we get the flat... Or that my friends mum get the house... We can also paint it in whatever colour we want, wich is cool.
I really hope this works out....
*crosses fingers, and knocks on wood* :D

fredag 17. juli 2009


Ice-cream is important to the immune system. Eat plenty!

The River of Dreams

Anyone else been dreaming like crazy lately? I sure have. Been dreaming from deserted spacestations to terrorists on trains... The spacestation-dream was scary.... Well, maybe not scary... Uneasy.... And people died... So it was unpleasant... Well, they didn't die, we just left them there to die.. Wich was increadibly mean, and really no better... But they fell down from the racks of... Toys... Of all things. Toys. But it was like a mall... We had run up escalators and, yeah, racks of stuff.. We just had to flee for some reason.. And then we got to the room that had a door slightly open, so air escaped, so we took these weird looking helmets, and went to close it... And then we found out that this room was for researching stuff with people and CD thingies.. So we placed some random (scared) people in the chairs, and said "it's going to be OK. Just listen to this CD, and you'll be fine. You won't die if you listen to it." And then we took on our helmets and opened the door, so the air escaped... I can't remember what happened next, though.. But that was fucking creepy. I think they were fine... Sure hope so.. Or I'll seriously start question my sanity :P
And the two that were dying, suddenly became in perfect shape, and followed us on the ground, instead of climbing... It was a fucking weird dream...
And slightly... sick.

Billy Joel rocks. Captain Jack is awesome. And I Go to Extremes. And It's Still Rock and Roll to Me. Hehe: " Should I try to be a straight 'A' student? If you are then you think too much." Hear, hear Joel, hear, hear :P ...I don't mean it in the sense that thinking is bad, mind you.. :P
yeah yeah.
Anyway. Sing like you mean it, and dance like nobody's watching. Maybe it's the other way around, but it's funnier like that :P

søndag 12. juli 2009

The Zombies are Everywhere! hidden goodies. Like the finger ;) I like that one. This is just a reminder for me, really... So that when the guys start giving me the finger I can "moon" them or something like that. ;) Not literally... With one of the emoticons, obviously.
Oh! one of them sent me this AWESOME book! "The Zombie Chronicles". Oh yeah.
It's about saving clones... And zombies... And stuff. It's AWESOME!

And Plants vs Zombies is awesome too.. Been playing that a lot lately. I recomend it. It's awesome. And when you've "finished" the game, you still sorta haven't finished it. That's kinda cool. A lot of cool bonuses and stuff. But some of it is just plain pain-o in the arse-o.

Oh yeah. Paul McCartney - Dance tonight. Beautiful. Also, Maybe I'm Amazed is cool. And Ballroom Dancing. It's accually awesome. OOH! And Wanderlust. It's so.. nice.... However, if "you gotta get it, mmmhmmmm, you gotta get it and you gotta get it goooooood" :D

I love making song... puns? Are they called puns? I'd think it was called something else, to be honest, but I have no idea... Song-jokes maybe.... I have no idea. Jokes sounds better though.

But seriously... I've spent over 6 hours on this friggin' blogg, now... That's ridicolous. Plants vs Zombies apparently rock. Hard. :P

mandag 6. juli 2009

Ocular pain

Yeah, early in the mornin', they send cartoons and other stuff, wich is faire enough... But when they start making kiddie-shows with.. proper people and the looney tunes in it, I just want to burst into tears like any other 3 year old would... Not that I'm 3 years old...
Anyway, who makes shows like... err... the one with the faeries.. and the one with the barbie-like chicks, and stuff.. It's, quite frankly, freaky.
Now stuff with monsters and zombies, and stuff like that.... Now THAT is something I'd rather have my kid watching... I mean, what if they turned out to be like those pink bimbo-bitches :S That would be major suckage.
It's a lot cooler to have a kid chasing after old ladies and drunks because they think they are zombies, or wraiths or something.
O! Or saying they want to be Vampire hunters or something...
"Oh look James, look at that little zombie, visiting... Aawww... Would you like a cookie, dear?"
"Only if it taste like human flesh, Granny..."

It's not possible. I'll repeat that in capital letters...:
So why do they keep making things that blow up in space? BECAUSE IT'S COOL!
Rubbish people, they are, making up things like explotions in space....
Just think about the children! When they grow up, they won't know the important truth!
What if they invent a rocket, and fly into space, and try to blow up a sattelite? Then they will be strongly dissapointed, I tell you. STRONGLY DISSAPOINTED!
Anyway, if they get into space in the first place, they'll probably freeze to death aswell... They normally don't consider that in stuff either... Except some sci-fi movies, ofcourse. Wich is good.

Why can't we fight with swords anymore? Wars would be so much more honourable, and.. stuff... And we should also invent the light sabre. OH YES WE SHOULD!
I want a purple one. Or an orange one. Or maybe both :D That would be awesome.

fredag 3. juli 2009


The most awesome legend in the whole world is deffinately the legend about Atlantis.
Oh yeah.
I want one.

onsdag 1. juli 2009


The South Pole would be awesome too.....

Ice lollies... adorable :P

Jen & Berry's!


I want to go to the north pole.
Think about it. It would be awesome! And I can brag about having been there before it melted away... And I could take a lot of polar bear pictures :D It would be AWESOME!
And seals. Anyway.
It's been around 30 degrees this week... And is going to be for the rest of the week... It's great, but it's a LITTLE hot. I sure hope the aliens decide to invade the planet now, so they might melt to death... They are smart... But vulnerable. Fortunately for us.
Accually I have no idea wether they are vulnerable, smart, or accually aliens or not...
I can't claim I've seen any...
"Oh my! An alien decided to abduct me, and preform experiments on me!"
Yeah.. I have aquaintances that might be mistaken for aliens, and no way they would ever be allowed/able to take me to their "spaceship" and "experiment" on me... Ho-woop-dee-doo. No way.
I think that the so-called "aliens" might just be butt-ugly people...

And the corn circles.... COME ON!!! We have people that confessed doing them! So why do the fanatics keep saying "NOOOO IT'S THE ALIENS!!!"? ...Allright.. They are fanatics... But details. I mean the "alien invasion believers"....

However, if you say "I was abducted by aliens" to a fanatic, you'll PROBABLY be worshipped like a god, and have a new group to mingle in...

Oh well.