lørdag 23. juni 2012

The the process of..

I MISS SWANSEA!! Oh my god! I just can't believe how much I miss the people over there! I do however think it's good for me to have some distance. But still...
I can't wait to move into a proper house. That will be severely good.
"Please don't call animal control."
This was okay in, well, the year I was there, but still with the amounts of fire alarms and screaming hall-mates... Not so much. The hall-mates were fine when they weren't screaming and shouting though. ;) It's going to be weird not to live there any more. It was such a nice distance to the uni as well!

But coming home was nice. We took the bus from Sola airport in Stavanger to Kristiansand (or in my case, Søgne) so got to see a lot of pretty nature. From Oslo to Kristiansand it's not as pretty, but the west country does have some severely lush views.
Example of said view. I liked it.
To be back home with my sane family does also help ones stamina in the whole "coping with silly Brits". :P Yep. We had this whole "be normal" thing going on, intensively, for a whole week. Then we went back to just being regular-normal.

Example of what sanity looks like.
We're good at being normal and sane. I swear...
Also, I should add that this is not the worst picture. It's really not. I also did Rebekka a favour by not showing The One where she resembles a ... well, "retarded angry monkey" sounds so harsh...

It's been a good... Jesus I just noticed that I had been home for slightly more than two weeks! What! I thought I'd been here for a month!
...I miss Swansea!

søndag 17. juni 2012


In films bad-guys have a bad habit of always revealing what they have done and/or their plan. It usually happens at the end of the film, which means we have just seen all the things that they did or would attempt to do. I don't understand the need to rub in the obvious after having seen everything they've done.
I want to see a film where the bad-guy say "Fuck you, I'm not going to jail" and then jumps off the roof, but doesn't die because he has a jet-pack, and then flies off to an island he bought, but they can't trace it (the purchase of the island) back to him because he's been using aliases and/or different bank accounts, as rich people do to avoid taxes, but in this case it's not just taxes, it's also the police.
Yes. And then he lives happily ever after until he takes over the world and rules it with an iron fist (depends on the villain, it could be quite literally an iron fist).
Or just destroys it.
Yep. That would be severely awesome.

...Or just let Loki do his deed... God that man is good looking.

LOOK AT THOSE EYES! How can anyone say no to those? That's a crime against nature!

torsdag 14. juni 2012


I am a child.
Birthday's aren't even that fantastic...

I should go back to sleep...

But I can't!
I had the most epic zombie-vampire dream ever, tonight! It was so severely awesome, yet... I've forgotten most of it... Which is typical.
It involved a tower-like building that we hid on the roof of, and we used curtains to stab zombies/vampires. I mean we poked a needle through the curtains, so they couldn't see when they went through (because there weren't doors, there were curtains). I thought it was quite clever at the time. Then the zombies magically transferred into vampires. Not the silly shiny vampires, but the kind that burns in the sun. The proper kind.
And then we had to run for our lives (I had magically been transformed into one), because the sun started to rise, and we ran into the Swansea Metropolitan Bar, where our tutors sat and wanted us to stir a pot of really really thick tomato soup. With too much macaroni in it.
Then I woke up.

Fun times.

Gonna go to "town" (Søgne sentrum) with my sisters now. Fun times!

tirsdag 12. juni 2012


So far I've had laziest week in history. I am not complaining. I should, however, look at the possibility of maybe getting some income. God being a grown-up sucks. If I could make money out of doing absolutely fuck all, that'd be... A dream!
I've considered YouTube, but I honestly don't think I have good enough ideas to have any reason to be there. Plus my face looks like it has another face plastered on it. OH MAYBE THAT WOULD GET ME VIEWS! HAH! :D
Haha, a make-up tutorial of what the wicket witch of the West should use for her foundation! Maybe not. The fact that I think it is hilarious is a warning sign by itself.

Oh, I found this site this one time I was getting lost on the internet, called Whatdoestheinternetthink.net, and is GREAT!

I made an observation that was quite astounding.

It was about spoons. And spoon. Yes.
Both. In a separate sense.

I find it extremely funny that the same thing can have so different opinions! One is plural and the other is singular (Captain Obvious, much?)... I think people hate Spoon The Lonely. GIVE SPOON SOME LOVE!
I took the screen-shot ages ago, so I'm sure the numbers have changed, but I found this quite funny for obvious reasons.

fredag 1. juni 2012

Shit happened.

The last blog-post was silly and weird. I just needed to crush some imaginary people on the intarwebz. With aliens. Everything is better with aliens.
Being dumped sucks. For 3 months I was seeing an amazing guy. But then we broke up. It's hilarious. Laugh out loud hysterical.
Dripping with sarcasm.
But no matter, life happens.
I learned a lot in this time and life-experience is always good, I suppose.
Still sucks though.
Hence the kung fu fighting aliens who enjoys taking over worlds.

Now that I've explained my silly behaviour, I can show you this awesome sign I found in a restaurant called Eddie's Rocket. It amuses me greatly.

Talk about a blunder and a half! :D
I also enjoy the fact that someone made the effort to try and correct the spelling error, but still missed the "to" one!
...Grammar really shouldn't be so much fun....
I need a life... "Srs bsns", as an old guild-member used to say before we kicked him out for being severely annoying.

Swansea at the end of the year is weird. It's really sad that we won't be seeing the 3rd years again, there are many good people in that year. I'm also really sad to see that the 2nd years didn't make much effort in getting to know us. Then again, I suppose this went both ways, but being the "freshers", I think we were entitled to be a little withdrawn. Next year will be interesting though.
I wonder if we will learn to be more professional. At this point, I really hope some people will drop out. Not because I dislike them, but because they have no reason to be there.
I know I'm nowhere near the perfect student myself, but hopefully our lecturers will tell us off and show us what to do. I'm really excited about 2nd year. I put Arts Marketing and Performance down as my electives, but I'm a little worried about the Marketing one. I think I might get bored really easily in that... But then again, I'm only judging the book by its cover.
I just sincerely hope that we won't have the same brought-in tutors that we had in term two this year, because that was dreadful, and I am not paying for that.