torsdag 14. juni 2012


I am a child.
Birthday's aren't even that fantastic...

I should go back to sleep...

But I can't!
I had the most epic zombie-vampire dream ever, tonight! It was so severely awesome, yet... I've forgotten most of it... Which is typical.
It involved a tower-like building that we hid on the roof of, and we used curtains to stab zombies/vampires. I mean we poked a needle through the curtains, so they couldn't see when they went through (because there weren't doors, there were curtains). I thought it was quite clever at the time. Then the zombies magically transferred into vampires. Not the silly shiny vampires, but the kind that burns in the sun. The proper kind.
And then we had to run for our lives (I had magically been transformed into one), because the sun started to rise, and we ran into the Swansea Metropolitan Bar, where our tutors sat and wanted us to stir a pot of really really thick tomato soup. With too much macaroni in it.
Then I woke up.

Fun times.

Gonna go to "town" (Søgne sentrum) with my sisters now. Fun times!

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