onsdag 28. oktober 2009


Hooray! My iPod is back!
...But it's not working, naturally... But I got a shiny new one :D
So it doesn't really matter :D
Just a bit.

Anyway. Sitting on the bus without music is scarily boring. Music is great. It makes you so un-bored just by sounds of awesomeness.... I quite like that..
You don't have to get car-sick by reading, or anything... And you can watch all the weird people that comes on the bus....
I want to start accually DOING things in this blog (not in.. That would be weird.. I mean outside.. In the world.. )
Yes. So today, or.. The rest of this week I will say "poor cow" and laugh hard when I see people eat meat... Oh yeah. That'll be... Yeah.

Oh, Donovan has, by the way, a song called "poor cow"... He's hillarious, Donovan. He even has a song about Atlantis... Wich rocks hard and long.

Scootere, ferie, høst

søndag 25. oktober 2009

What the fuck!?

So I found out today that I'm the classical drunken "stupid-confessions-talker"...
It's pathetic. Just wildly and utterly idiotic.

So I made an arse out of myself. Wich I find hillarious, ofcourse...
I'll save the shame for tomorrow.... It's more suitable to whine then.
Allthough now is kinda a fun time to whine aswell...
Maybe I should wake my darlin' roomies up..... A-HAHAHAAAA!
I don't have a death wish....

Allthough.... There is a certain someone that IS fun to mess with....

I'm deffinately going to Hell..... :P

torsdag 8. oktober 2009

I say no more!

(Kong means king, in a title kind of way.)

lørdag 3. oktober 2009

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