onsdag 29. september 2010


I think this speak for itself.
They wrote this for the GM (Which I'm impressed were bothered to answer at all..) the bastards... Filthy hackers. May they rot.

lørdag 25. september 2010

Recipe for Making People Want to Talk to You

1) Start by greeting the person friendly.
E.g. "Hello"
Sometimes "Hello" followed up with a nice adjective/positively charged word is also appreciated.
E.g. "Hello wonderful person"
It is NOT recommended, however, to say anything negatively charged, unless you'd like to insult them.
E.g. "Hello you whiny bat, that has a compulsive need for closeness, and care about nothing except for yourself."

2) Ask "How are you?".
This is crucial to the conversation, and can also be the conversation starter. If so, and you're the one talking about how you are, be sure to ask the other person too, regardless of how little you really care.
E.g. "-How are you? -Lost my job.... How are you? -Fine thanks... And you did what?"
It is NOT recommended to ramble on with how you felt when the boss canned you, and how you were humiliated in front of everyone. There is always time for that later.

3) Be polite.
Politeness is always nice.
Say "thank you" and "please". Everyone appreciates this.
Details about your night with the steaming hot waiter/waitress is not always suitable. Of course if you're speaking to a close friend, it can be acceptable. But if this is to a friend you don't really share that much with, this can be seen as rude, and is also called "Lack of filter".

4) Say goodbye.
This is sometimes underestimated but it's very important.
If you're in the middle of a conversation, and a person suddenly never responds, you have been the victim of a "rushed exit". (The Slow and Painful one, is when the conversation stops up all together and you both log off to be polite) If you are about to make a "Rushed exit", do your conversation partner a favour, and say "Gotta go, bye" so that he or she doesn't have to sit and wait for an answer.
Be polite.

Thanks. *Bows to the applause*

søndag 19. september 2010


My toe fucking hurts. A kid dropped a bench on it.

Stupid kid.

søndag 12. september 2010

Hjerteklaff cont.

Right. Here are the results of my social experiment.

Real Life hearts: Failed miserably. Forgot to make a heart-shaped thingie to show at the end of every sentence.
Online hearts: Success! ...But now people think less of me!

Reactions: One started doing writing them back, which I loved, one started writing x'es instead, and other people just stopped talking in fear of more hearts.

Overall result: Heart communication is only to be used moderately, and in crowds you've used them before. Not recommended to use in RL as it might result in strange looks, or having to explain the hand-heart shape all the time.

Conclusion: Just don't use hearts unless you are a 14 year old girl/fairy, or taking the piss. Not litterally. I mean joking. Not actual pissing.


Right. Dette er kommentarene fra min kjære søsters side på facebook. Fra et bilde.
Legg merke til at det er hjerter på hver ENESTE kommentar.
  • Frida Nygård jeg elsker deg stina ♥
    8. september kl. 12:09 · ·
  • Stina Harbak jeg elsker ikke deg ! ♥
    8. september kl. 12:20 · ·
  • Frida Nygård ‎:-(<'3
    8. september kl. 12:21 · ·
  • Stina Harbak ‎:D ♥
    8. september kl. 12:22 · ·
  • Frida Nygård
    8. september kl. 12:22 · ·
  • Stina Harbak
    8. september kl. 12:22 · ·

Er dette tegn på en stigende romanse? Er dette tegn på et krympende ordforråd? Er det normalt å kommunisere ved hjelp av hjerter? Er det kanskje via hjerter?
Jeg kunne ikke annet enn å legge igjen en kommentar. Mer om det senere.
Jeg skal prøve en hel dag å snakke ved hjelp av/via hjerter.
I morgen. Vel, teknisk sett, senere i dag.
Og siden dette ikke er over nettet, er jeg nødt til å improvisere litt.

Kanskje jeg skal lage et hjerte skilt?
Eller hva med å lage en hjerte-form med hendene etter hver setning?
Dette er spennende. Vil folk reagere normalt, eller vil folk se rart på meg?

Fortsettelse følger......

Her er forøvrig min kommentar for de som var nysgjerrige...:
Maria Stein Harbak: å gode kateter. Ikke den gode typen. Jeg mener den typen som hjelper deg med å tisse. Vel. Ikke bare tisse. du kan søke på det på wikipedia. egentlig har jeg gjort det alt. her er linken : http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kateter
Mitt poeng er. ...Hjerter er ikke en kommunikasjonsform! Vent. Dette skal jeg teste. På min blogg som du aldri leser.
Hjerte-kommunikasjonsform. Kanskje jeg skal prøve det ut i morra/i dag.. Jah. Det tror jeg jeg skal gjøre. Takk for ideen.

Maria Stein Harbak Den bra typen kateter er da selvfølgelig lærer kateteret.....

Jeg syntes forøvrig at jeg var kjempe morsom.

fredag 10. september 2010


Doom is a great word.
I don't know about other people, but I always find that word funny.
Too bad it can't be used seriously any more....

If men got superpowers, one would be able to threaten someone with doom though.

Oh I wish we got superpowers.

I'd kill for a fire power that'd go BOOM somehow. Or telepathy. Or morphing. Or telekinesis. Or teleportation. Or time manipulation. Or all of them.

O ho ho ho, I'd be unstoppable!

Man we live in a boring universe.