søndag 12. september 2010

Hjerteklaff cont.

Right. Here are the results of my social experiment.

Real Life hearts: Failed miserably. Forgot to make a heart-shaped thingie to show at the end of every sentence.
Online hearts: Success! ...But now people think less of me!

Reactions: One started doing writing them back, which I loved, one started writing x'es instead, and other people just stopped talking in fear of more hearts.

Overall result: Heart communication is only to be used moderately, and in crowds you've used them before. Not recommended to use in RL as it might result in strange looks, or having to explain the hand-heart shape all the time.

Conclusion: Just don't use hearts unless you are a 14 year old girl/fairy, or taking the piss. Not litterally. I mean joking. Not actual pissing.

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