fredag 1. juni 2012

Shit happened.

The last blog-post was silly and weird. I just needed to crush some imaginary people on the intarwebz. With aliens. Everything is better with aliens.
Being dumped sucks. For 3 months I was seeing an amazing guy. But then we broke up. It's hilarious. Laugh out loud hysterical.
Dripping with sarcasm.
But no matter, life happens.
I learned a lot in this time and life-experience is always good, I suppose.
Still sucks though.
Hence the kung fu fighting aliens who enjoys taking over worlds.

Now that I've explained my silly behaviour, I can show you this awesome sign I found in a restaurant called Eddie's Rocket. It amuses me greatly.

Talk about a blunder and a half! :D
I also enjoy the fact that someone made the effort to try and correct the spelling error, but still missed the "to" one!
...Grammar really shouldn't be so much fun....
I need a life... "Srs bsns", as an old guild-member used to say before we kicked him out for being severely annoying.

Swansea at the end of the year is weird. It's really sad that we won't be seeing the 3rd years again, there are many good people in that year. I'm also really sad to see that the 2nd years didn't make much effort in getting to know us. Then again, I suppose this went both ways, but being the "freshers", I think we were entitled to be a little withdrawn. Next year will be interesting though.
I wonder if we will learn to be more professional. At this point, I really hope some people will drop out. Not because I dislike them, but because they have no reason to be there.
I know I'm nowhere near the perfect student myself, but hopefully our lecturers will tell us off and show us what to do. I'm really excited about 2nd year. I put Arts Marketing and Performance down as my electives, but I'm a little worried about the Marketing one. I think I might get bored really easily in that... But then again, I'm only judging the book by its cover.
I just sincerely hope that we won't have the same brought-in tutors that we had in term two this year, because that was dreadful, and I am not paying for that.

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