tirsdag 17. januar 2012

Getting lost.

Getting lost on YouTube is an art form. Or it should be. It could be.
I found an amazing song by Donovan by exactly doing that: getting lost on YouTube.

Listen! You know you want to!

Anyway, these past days have been slightly lonely, but not too lonely. I kinda enjoyed this loneliness. Not really loneliness when you enjoy it though, is it. I was just anti-social.
...I forgot why I mentioned that now...
Yay for pointless notations!

I should also practice the homework we've been given: know a huge excerpt from some play of a sort by Friday. I can already tell that this particular class will be my Achilles heel. But no matter, I can just take an arrow to the knee and never worry about it ever again.
Did you like my Skyrim joke?
Hah, I don't even play Skyrim!

I need to get a life. Right now.

Aaaanyway, I've been absolutely obsessed with a new series called Sherlock. I LOVE THAT MAN, AND I WANT HIS BRAIN.
Transplant it into my head NAO PLOX.
I would kill to be that clever. I mean murder brutally.

Not really. I may have just been slightly over-eager. As you get sometimes.
I want a violin.
A proper nice one. I must admit, Sherlock inspired me a little bit on the drooling-on-violins, but I have wanted to learn to play one since I were a smaller Maria. A tiny one.
A freakishly small one, actually.
Actually drooling on violins sounds extremely nasty. Imagine someone playing on it after? Ew.
That is simply just too nasty and one should abandon this idea sporadically.
It's not like the saxophone where you can pour the Nasty back out. You have to wait till it dries!

Right, so that was that. Brain candy, much?
I wish!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Violins are expensive! But I would like to play one as well, or hardingfela, they are also rather awesome.

  2. They aren't really all that expensive. If you google them you can find some for £40 and so on :) But yeah, hardingfele is kinda cool. Because it's Norwegian. Bitches love Norwegians :P
