tirsdag 3. januar 2012


Yes. Grammar.
Today I read something terribly horrible on Facebook.
There was a girl saying she had avoided the cold and other diseases... AND SHE MISSPELLED "COLD"!!
OK. This was in Norwegian, where "Cold" is "Forkjølelse".
She wrote "Forsjølelse"..........
So as you can see we have a "kj" (a "khhhhjj" sound made at the back of the throat) sound that is slowly dying out because youth is too lazy and replace it with the "sj" (a shhh sound. Very sloppy.) sound.
It sounds terrible.
And when people speak it, they also write it the way they speak if they are ignorant enough to not remember their own language.
I think it's important to preserve the PROPER WAY OF SPEAKING and not taking a killer shit on it.

The kids today....!
I'm such an old bitter fart.

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