onsdag 25. juli 2012

Horror games.

I really don't like scary games. I bought Silent Hill: Origins, once, and I'm still just faffing about in the hospital... I've probably had a collected play time of 10 minutes on that game. I am not a fan of the nurses. And keep expecting to bump into a certain Pyramid Head around every corner.
Don't get me wrong, the nurses are scary as shit, but the thought of having a guy with a massive ... knife? Can that even be described as a knife at that size? Anyway, with a massive knife-sword that enjoys skinning the people he comes across... Not the most approachable feller is he...

So naturally, I've been watching play-throughs of Slender and some of Amnesia. Personally, I found the Amnesia play-throughs a lot more "Going to shit my pants now" than Slender, but then again, I think Slender might be scarier to play yourself than to look at in a play-through. Slender was just creepy. Apparently the monster doesn't look very scary either...
It's creepy, don't get me wrong, but I find other monsters even more scary. And for me, the "Shit bricks" moments are mostly when you see the monster. Then again, I wouldn't want to play Slender either to test out my nerves of steel (read: None existing nerves.. Who the fuck am I kidding anyway..), because I know what would happen.
What would happen is; I would lie under my bed for months with a torch and a knife, making weird hissing noises when people approached the door, living off of dust and crumbs from some sort of naughty meal I had once in bed.

Amnesia... Jesus fucking Christ. I don't ever want to touch that game. I may stretch myself to watch someone play it behind a pillow, but playing it? No. Just no.
LOOK AT THAT THING! How will you not walk away from that game without a million and one nightmares and a ticket to the loony-bin!? That's all I have to say about that.


2 kommentarer:

  1. I haven't really playd any horror games, only saw a friend play silent hill several years ago. Oh, and I tried to play a little bit of a game with a girl who tried to take photos of ghosts. But in movies at least I usually don't think monsters are scary when you see them. Then you know what you're up against. I find it most scary when you can't see what is after you.

  2. Well yeah, I have to agree there, what makes Amnesia so scary for me is the fact that if you look at it you go mad and/or get spotted. So it's kind of like that :) But yeah I know what you mean.
