mandag 19. mars 2012


So now that all the assessments are over and done with, there is only the big production left.We're doing The Visit by some dude I can't remember the name of. But now that I mention it, I think it's Friedrich something.
Will be fun to see all the 3rd year performances, not heard anything about the 2nd year performance(s), but I'm sure they will do some too. Will be good.

The thing with Swansea Metropolitan is that they enjoy making bizarre plays. And I mean bizarre. So I assume someone will end up crying food at the end of it.
Yes, food. Do not question the logic of Swansea Met.!

Anyway, so we have had our assessments now, apart from the end production (which I have no idea if we'll be assessed on or not), which is an incredible load off our -at least my- shoulders. And soon there is Easter! I can't wait for the Easter! Going to Liverpool to visit Kayleigh's house for 6 days, then I'm off to merry old Norway! I am quite psyched about both. 1st off: LIVERPOOL FER FECK'S SAKE! That's where the Beatles are from! Fangasm and all that!
I was pleasantly surprised of how little it smelt of pee.
Will be good to see my friends again. My lovely Carinus Awesomeicus and Malenosaurus in particular, but also the rest of the Søgne-gang :)

Memo to self: bring loads of creme eggs back.

I love Easter. I can't say enough how much I love it.The traditional cabin-trips to Okse with a full Easter egg is never wrong. Reading Donald Duck before bed/in bed/by the breakfast table/in the sofa/on the toil.. Ew. No. Not on the toilet. That's unhygienic and nasty. I never understood people that read on the toilet. It's quite frankly grim. Think about all the bacteria you leave on that shite! And get just by touching it! You get your mothers arse-bacteria. On your hands. And your own arse-bacteria. Mixed together in an unholy matrimony of disgustingness. Dare I mention that annoying sibling you always fight with? HIM/HER TOO!
Kids, this is why you wash your hands after going to the loo.
And never read stuff whilst hosting a porcelain party.

And also; is it bad to keep "seeing" creepers whilst playing Fable 3..?
I'm worried that Minecraft has a greater influence on my life than I'd like.


2 kommentarer:

  1. You should go to the Beatles museum. It's awesome I tell you. At least for you.

  2. I wish we did :( Didn't really go into Liverpool that much, only went once, and that was to get a ferry... But I did get to see the Cavern though, which I'm pretty stoked about :D
