onsdag 29. april 2009

Zombie Fest

Yeah, I've been watching the Police Academy films (About to continue on the 5th later.. Oh yeah) and I've realised how fantasticly idioic Zed is. He's wonderful, in his own special way :P
The actor is brilliant.
Mahoney, on the other hand, funny, but he's too much of a boring hero, and know-it-all, and.... Yeah hero...
And the rest of them also rock ofcourse.

I got exactly 2 weeks left in Paris, before I can go home 3 weeks... and enjoy my exams...

Zombies are awesome, and increadibly stupid! :D
They are great!
I want to invent a zombie invasion!
And magic....
Mostly magic...

Please give me a nudge if you have a clue how to invent magic... The "how to make a Zombie" issue is solved. So... Yeah, Magic is the main thing I focus on, at the moment.

So yeah. Go make some mayhem!

Lime pudding and a Yellow Lemon Tree

I have a recipe! I call it "unhealthy apple".
And you need an apple, cinnamon, and sugar.

You put whatever you want of each in a bowl, and mix it. Then you put it into the microwave for a few minutes. Then, when the apple pieces are squishy and covered in runny stuff, it's done.

-I never claimed to have invented this...

Btw, If you wanna continue making the apple cake, then good luck :P (What, having a permanent sweet tooth is bad now? :P DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!!)
I don't have the rest of the recipe...


Anyway: That taste is a taste of... Something nice... Because that's what it is!
Something nice

tirsdag 28. april 2009

Groundbreaking News!

Oh yeah! Who's got a follower? Who's got a follower? Oh yeah! This is awesome.
("This is going to be LEGENDARY!")
Or something...
Anyway... I was... ... I had a purpose in all this, but I kinda forgot...
The most awesome song ever: Reinert med Beinet. Means 'Reinert with the Leg'.
Once, I'll translate the fantastic lyrics.... Even though there are a LOT of verses....
Oh! Kom igjen, Lena by Håkan Hellström is also very cool. A classic of cheery songs. Oh yeah.

Cheery songs rock. Well.. Not really, but they are cheery...
About cheery songs.... DRINKING SONGS!
We learned an Irish one last year... It's funny, because we gotta roll the r's and be a little lame while doing it.. And by 'lame' I mean real arm movements and stuff.

This Yoghurt taste like shit. Calin (means caress) my ass... It's like my tongue gets raped!
I still mean the yoghurt... Whatever you do (/with people) when nobody's watching is really none of my business... Nor do I really wanna know...


Zorro, by the way, is spanish for fox :D How cool is THAT! :D

mandag 27. april 2009

Young Bald Monkeys

Yes. I would like to COMMENT on my own sillyness. If I was somebody else, I'd comment something like this:
"Hey, you are... very, very weird.
Making up your own commandments and.. commenting on yourself...?
Got one word for it: Weird."
And if I ever got a comment like that I'd respond with:
"When Gorillas can fly and your coffee maker starts making good, de-caff, fruity fruit salad is the day I CARE. And F.Y.I. Fruitsalad with coffee in it..... Not good!"
Not that I've tried or anything....

Oh! Yeah... Also old Billy Joel has a good point hen he sing: "Only the Good Die Young", and in the same song he also say "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun"... How BRILLIANT are those lyrics, or what?

I want coffee.... Mocha is the best coffee ever. I mean... Chocolate AND coffee. That is the "How to get energy/become hyper" book's first... No maybe second tip. The first might be "black coffee with caffeine pills and 15 sp... 30 spoons with sugar. That ought to do the trick.
I might have to write that book.
Hmmm.... OH! Maybe some Syrup too!

I got "grind some coffee beans and eat them" as a suggestion... I think he might be right.
And Red Bull. Oh, what if everything I mentioned is mixed together?
Either 1) Things will be slowed down for the test-subject. He will be VERY hyper/active/whatever
2) The test-subject is rushed to the hospital. The test-subject has been poisoned.
or 3) Heavy diarrhea.
Anyway: ...... SUGAR CUBES! Oh my god those taste good....

I don't think I'll write this book after all.....
Mais, à bientôt. Bon journée!

My 10 Commandments

I figured I could mock religion a little by making my own 10 commandments.
Yes, I have to admit I had a lot of fun making them...

1) Thou shalt Never be serious about ANYTHING. Unless Thou art in a situation Thou should be Serious in. But Thou shalt have found that out by Thyself, but One need to Mention it or else Thou willt interpret it the was Thou want to. And One wouldn't want that.

2) Thou shalt not Swear or Abuse Gods Name more than Thou normally would, and if there are Children present,then Thou should swear more than Thou normally would, because listening to Children asking their Mothers whatstuff means is Fun.

3) Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. This is the Most Important Commandment. And the days Thy decide to Skip School/Work to do other things. Like watching the latest movies on Thy local Cinema, or if a Game is Released, or Simply because Thou art not Botheredto go to Work/School.

4) Thou shalt Honor Thy Mother and Father.... When Hell freezes over. Or when Thou grow up. Or Loan a lot of Money.

5) Thou shalt obviously not Kill, because that is Bad, and Thou go to Jail.

6) Thou shalt not get Married. Marriage is Death, Marriage is social Murder, Marriage is Bad.No not get Married. Marriage is like going to Jail.

7) Thou Shalt not steal Unless it is for the Greater Good... The Greater Good, is a Limit you Decide Thyself. But Normally Greater Good Means "for someone that is about to Starve to Death" and Suchlike.

8) Unless it is for Thy gain, or a if it's a Favour, Thou shalt not lie in court.

9) Thou can Covet whoever Thou like, but Thou shalt know, Thou might be called a Slut.

10) Thou shalt not Follow Rules, unless it is the 10 Commandments, because it is a Common Knowledge that Rules are ment to be Broken, and it is Thy duty to See to this. And Thy shalt also know when to Stop breaking Rules.

fredag 24. april 2009

Unfinished business

Yeah I couldn't stay away.
That's what happens when you draw increadibly... arty.... art......
Err... Yeah.. Whatever...
Anyway, I've been watching Black Books lately, and it ROCKS!
I love Bernard. He rocks. And he's irish.
And he's got a mop for hair. He's lovely!
And Bill Bailey is Manny, and there is an annoying lady to play Fran. And it's really cool.
Go see it, right away! It's truly awesome!
I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true, now go on!
Well I could, but this time it's true.
Anyway... Have a pleasant evening.
And I owe a friend 50 kroner.... Because I had a bet with a friend that my computer would freeze before 8 o'clock. and now it's 8:54.
Wich is a good sign.... In a good I-lost-a-bet kind of way...


I'm up-to-date-almost! But now I can be!
Anyway: I got 19 lovely days left in Paris, untill "She's leaving Home, and go to her birthplace and attack all of her friends and hug them till they turn blue, and then stop hugging them, because blue is an unnatural colour on a persons face."
THAT'S what The Beatles should have sung about. Motor trade my ass. It's a lot more fun to sing about... Me!
Oh yeah. I'm just the best thing that happened to this world. I don't understand why people won't see that.
Oooooooh... I hope you all got the sarcasm there, or I'll be seriously embarrassed.

Anyway I hae that when you have a certain tone in your voice, like sarcasm, it just doesn't show. On the internett I mean. In.... Bloggs and stuffs.

What does the 'B' in Blog, stand for anyway? I know what 'V' is for in Vlog, wich is 'Video' but Blog?
Boiler? Burka? Bone? Bit? Bathingsuit? Blender.... Baileys.... Daquiries...


Anyway, now that I only have one blog per day I need you to shape up and learn the norwegian I throw at you!
Like: Fisk? Igjen? Men jeg er lei av fisk!
Wich means: Fish? Again? But I'm sick of fish!

Oh! And a negative sentence always have 'ikke' in it (ikke - don't.) andpossibly also 'nei' wich obviously means 'no'.

Like this: Nei, ikke gjør det!
Wich means: No! don't do it!

So youp dee doo.
Have a good one


Yeah, I have a special skill of naming my blog-thingies something that have nothing to do with what I write in it.
I apologise.
Though Norwegian #2 is a little Norwegian. Allthough we normally don't raid places to get booze.
What I mean about "places" is other countries. Normally a liquor store is enough.
I do mean that we normally don't do that sort of stuff!
Well some of us do. But they are called "criminals", and "alcoholics".
Anyway, Peace bro's and ho's.

Norwegian #2

Oooh! I saw that the last thingamajig I wrote was my 30th one! We could have celebrated! We could have gotten drunk! We could have gone to Bordeaux and Italy and robbed and plundered them for all their wine, and then: We could have taken a plane to Russia, and taken over a vodka ... thing...

Oh yeeeees......... My perfect plan....

And thenn schmugggle aaall the bottlesh of nicenessh into Norway, and have a khiller parrrty!
That would be AWESHOME! But OFCOURSHE we need to tesht out the goodsh.
Shinche it'sh a party an' all.
PARTEH ÅON!.........

Shorry 'bout your car, mate! I'll replache it with a few bottlesh of nichenessh! How 'bout that?
No? Dang. Oh well. You only live onche.

RUM! ... err... I mean "RUN!"

torsdag 23. april 2009

Over the rainbow

I found out that -I need to check again, because I'm not a 100% sure wich one it is- if i write 3 or 4 more stuffs, I can write one per day, and... Nah... Not arsed... Or am I?
Meh. One day I'll be bored enough to do it.

Kåre sa til hesten sin at kua fikk den ikke ta!
Kåre said to his horse that it couldn't take the cow!
Dir. Transl.: Kåre said to the horse his that cow could it not take!

Frida! Din amøbe!
Frida! You amoeba!

Ditt brød/løk
You bread/onion

Meh... Can't be arsed to make more up....
So... Have fun insulting people.

Acid Jazz Singer

"I learned it in the gutter one night, crawling home"
"Shake off that face of yours"
"I would have stopped to argue but my teeth were broke"
Fantastic lyrics in this song. By the Fratellis.

"Lupe Brown" is more catchy though.
And "My Friend John", because they speak scottish in the beginning....
Oh yeah. These guys are scottish.

They are good - better - best!

Hold on a sec....

Even if I got a lot of people to read this blog, I doubt I'd get anyone to accually bother to learn it. Or not more than 5, anyway... And not nearly enough people are reading this now to even be called "the world". When I think about it.... I don't really think anyone are! HAH! I'm teaching myself norwegian! I rule!
Yeah, that was sad.


NO! I am NOT trying to teach the world norwegian in a very subtle way! Honest!


The world should learn norwegian.
That's why I'll have a crash-course in that now! :D
(Dunno if "crash-couse" is accually used/proper english/whatever, I just liked it, so I used it. Deal with it.)

First we gotta learn is..... What is important.... errr... Bus tickets are annoying, but important. Let's go with that.
Du: Hei, kan jeg få en buss billett til Søgne, vær så snill?
Buss-sjåføren: Barn eller voksen? (for prisen)
Du: Voksen.

That means:
You: Hello, may I have a bus-ticket to Søgne, please?
The bus-driver: Kid or adult? (for the price)
You: Adult.

Oh yeah.
Now, if you are un-norwegian-speaking, then you may pat your butt, and buy a book called "Learn Norwegian: For dummies".
Nah. Don't do that. Or you could. That would be awesome.

I'll teach you some more norwegian.
Oh yeah, this is important...

Du: Hallo!
Tilfeldig person: Hei!
Du: Hvordan har du det?
Tilfeldig person: Fint (takk), og du?
Du: Jeg har det også bare bra, takk.

You: Hello!
Random person: Hi!
You: How are you? (directly transtlated: How have you it?)
Random person: Fine (thanks), and you?
You: I'm fine too, thanks.
(directly translated: I have it also just good, thanks.... Yes, norwegian is weird.)

Dette var dødsgøy.
This was dead-fun.

Spessiellt når jeg oversatt direkte. For da hørtes det tilbakeståendes ut.
Especially when I translated directly. For then sounded it retarded out.

Hahahaha! I'm deffinately doing this again.
Ooooh.... Hm..
Taking the piss, rocks.


More people should be on at this time.
And entertain me.
I think.
That was a great idea.

Wakey wakey!
By the way: The art, the wonderful piece of expressionism and opinions is inspired by my wonderful computer.
So when I get rich and famous for my wondeful pictures, I accually have to THANK it!
Wow. Depressing.
..... Maybe I can make a smashed computer statue instead, that makes me famous?
.....I liked that idea better.......

onsdag 22. april 2009

Fried (Chicken) Salad.

The day you decide to get kids and let other people raise them, and get a maid to clean for you because you are too busy doing nothing but work, is the day you decide that:
"Hmmm, maybe a goldfish WAS a better idea... Why couldn't I see that before?"

And when you lie on your death bed, because of a heartattack caused by stress is the day that you DEFFINATELY think:
"I really SHOULD have gotten that fish. AHHH! OH! THE PAIN!!!!"
And then you die.

Very VERY unhappy, mind you.
And then you visit St. Peter, if you believe that kind of thing, and then you are told to go to hell...
And then you think: "What a charming guy" While you take the stairs down to the warm pit of lava, and bits and pieces of your shoes get stuck in the lava, untill you don't have anymore shoes, and it's only your feet left, and your skin get so heavily burned that you have trouble walking the rest of the way. Because you leave some skin on the ground, every step you take. Mmm..
And then you think: "I'd KILL for a fish now! Or.. Just water! Anything to soothe the pain and the heat!!!"
And then there is a red guy with horns that start laughing menacingly at your plea for mercy and fish.
And he'll say "HAH, you should have thought about that before you decided to live like you used to! You should have gotten a fish."
And then you start crying.

But you don't wake up, because it's NOT a dream! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Ohh... That was fun.... I want to predict someone else's life too, now.. Not just the working business-man/woman-without-any-life-outside-of-work-but-still-have-a-2,3-kids-and-a-dog-they-can't-take-care-of........
Anyway, baby calls.
Have a fun day y'all :P

tirsdag 21. april 2009


This new movie is about a dad that tells his son about Changelings.
"If they decide to take you, then you get to live in a world FILLED with chocolate walnuts,and IF you are lucky enough to be sentenced... Oh Right, you need to give the impression that you're a very bad kid. So bad you'll to be taken, and then, you'll live your life in this wonderful chocolate world, and you'll workin the Chocolate Walnut Present factory, to put chocolate walnuts in little boxes, that gets sent to Santa!OOOH! And everything in this world is made of sugar and stuff. Like the north pole, where the elves live, just BETTER!"
The bond between the father and the son is a strong bond indeed.The son get icecream everyday, with a chocolate walnut planted in it by the dad, when the son doesn't watch.He believes in changelings. The dad also believes his stories.And the dad never wished for anything more than that the mysterions things come and change him too. To let him work on the Chocolate Walnut Factory in the Changeling world.

The dad: Ben Stiller.
The son: Haley Joel Osment



mandag 20. april 2009


Wow. That last one was fantasticly weird.
If I offended anyone, I'd like to appologize for.. Errr... Whatever it was.

Go out, and do the teapot walk :D

Hell yeah!

I love.
I love a lot!
Ginger bees in a jar!
And a pot of honey for Winnie the Poo(h)
And marmelade for Paddington.
Haiku in a jar.
(Another song joke... Wow, I'm killing.)
I don't think it's healthy to enjoy internet as much as I do right now...

Oh well.. Bygones :P

Zombies should infest this planet. Just once. For real I mean.
I reallyreallyreally REALLY wanna yell "THE HEADS!! SHOOT THE HEADS!!!" without sounding like a complete maniac.

If I ever decide to get a kid, one way or another (heh... ) I'll call it May Mayhem. Or maybe Morris. Because it would be cool. The only reason to ever get that kid is to fuck up his/her life so much it could no way in hell be called "normal". He/she would probably look like something from the Addams family. Though without the baby moustanche. Because that is BEYOND weird.


Æ - Ære - means honour. The letter 'æ' is pronounced like the 'a' in "Bad"[bæd]
Ø - Øre - means ear. The letter 'ø' is pronounced like the 'i' in "Bird" [bø:rd]
Å - Åre - means oar. The letter 'å' is pronounced like the 'a' in "What" [oåt]

Hell yeah.
Now there is no excuse not being able to pronounce Æ, Ø and Å.


I am fortunate enough to be the owner of a HP Pavillion dv6000, that causes NOTHING BUT TROUBLE.

So I'm sorta hoping that the dudes and dudettes I talk to will read this to understand why I'm not doing the stuff I'm supposed to be doing. And stuff.

So if anyone's interested in joining me mauling it, when I'm done with it, just give me a call. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Oh, right. I didn't say what it was doing... heh... Silly me..
It's not bothering to let me go on on internet. Network card, thing. Stuff.
Or not having a proper one that want function properly, that is.

So yeah. That was todays serious talk, etc.

Have a good day/month/year/whatever, Enjoy your damn internett connection, and so on and so on.
Peace. :P

tirsdag 14. april 2009



That's what the commercials say.... And:




I think there is a conspiracy going on.

I... I think they might WANT the french to live!

That... They want the spawns of Evil to continue live!

That they want the 'oh-hoho' and the 'Oh-lala' to... continue exising!

mandag 13. april 2009


Plane after plane after plane after plane.

That was a poem by Me, written Now.

It's now 30, 29 in a few minutes, days left here in Paris.
I'm thinking about counting the minutes too, but... I figured that'd make me sound like a 13 year old bitch waiting for stuff to happen.
Now don't ask me what KIND o stuff. I really don't feel like going into details.
It's creepy enough as it is.

Ewww.... Little.. Creepy.... 13 year olds........


I think Charles deGaulle (the airport) likes sending out all of their planes at this time of night.
Maybe they are flying out to save swimmers in need. PARACHUTERS IN NEED!
Oh yeah!
They better be doing that.
Or maybe they are trying to remove gigantic monkeys from Whatever Center.... Or maybe just the Eiffel Tower, since I'm not technically in America at the moment....
But they COULD be flying there just to help out les pauvres americans.....
Hmmm.... No I have been mocking the americans enough this month....
Even though....


Anyway, it is late, and you should be sleeping. Bad piggie.

søndag 12. april 2009

Radio Signal

I'm psycic. And I can see you in a coma. For 20 years.
While your grand-père trips on a turd and faint, and also spend some time in a coma. 1 week to be exact. And then, when you wake up again, you find out that you've been frozen down instead of being in a coma, and that the world 50 years from now is a very weird place. There are zombies everywhere, and vampires that drink animal blood and are shining instead of dying when they step into the sun (oh, wait! That's not the future! That's "Twilight"! Silly me...) and monster babies that just learned to walk, and thereby smashing the skyscrapers on Manhattan (it always is Manhattan...). And there is a "heroic" guy trying to save "the world" (that means Manhattan. It's just that americans have an amazingly narrow mind when it comes to the world and America. They always seems to think that America is the World....) by killing the monster babies. OK, so he manage to take out a few. But the zombies are still a tiny problem. I mean with them being undead and all... So they try the "SHOOT THE HEADS!!!!! OH MY GOD SHOOT THE HEADS!!!!" method, wich seems to be quite effective, except that these zombies are AWESOME zombies, so they don't die. They just.... Put them self back together. And keep on walking.
But then there is a moodspoiling brat that is smart enough to figure out that "Hey, if we chop them up in many pieces and BURN them, then they won't be able to do all that stuff.."
So yeah. The zombies aren't really a problem either anymore.
Wich sucks.
Because zombies rock.
But "know-it-all" brats doesn't. So a zombie kills him. (It's always a guy for some reason. That's silly.) But his cousin, the smart Abigail, brings on his wisdon (yeah! Girl power!) and she's also smart enough to just keep the information to herself. So she's letting people get eaten and when there are only zombies left, she controlls them and takes over the real world. Because she's not one of those shallow/narrow minded pricks, so she knows stuff! So she use all the zombies to take over the world!
And then...... After a few years.... She dies.
1) there are only zombies left, except for her,
2) she's the only human left,
3) the zombies evolve more intelligence in the lack of brains,
4) human brains are known to not be too healthy for you, it goes on your insanity checks,
5) human species ends with her,
6) this is getting slightly too random for being a list over why she dies,
7) back on track; she gets killed by zombies because one day, she fall asleep without locking the door.
So yeah. She accually cause the end of the world.

No I can't see the future. I lied. It was all a lie. Like the cake. The cake is a lie.
And Scotty doesn't know.

KLUCK! Because I'm a chick.

Love sucks.
Love doesn't exist.
A friend said that they said on "Dr. House" that:
"Boy meet girl, Boy gets stupid, girl gets stupid, and they live stupidly together for the rest of their life."

I like that quote. Because it's funny. And it's not true. "Ever after/rest of their life" is BULLSHIT.

Anyway... I can't believe people accually LIKE being so damn vulnerable. It's silly.
Silly silly silly.
And you just end up being crushed anyway...
Or bored out of your wits....
Or something.

Anyway... Love doesn't really exist. It's merely a wish.
When people get married, they will most likely end up getting divorced.
There is some statistics stuff there, but frankly, I'm nor arsed to look it up, because it doesn't really interest me.

I'm bringing this up because it's spring. And people tend to... Say things... In the spring.

This scares me.

That's what I hate about spring.
All the "I'm gonna be honest with you" shit, that is just hormones, people having special "needs" and the feeling that summer is around the corner.

Quite frankly, the whole wedding shit kinda creeps me out.
Why is it such a big deal to wear the big fluffy white dress and walk down an aisle and claim to be with someone till they DIE.
That's flippin' madness. It's INSANE! It's... Yeah...

Like Tom Lehrer say: "Spring is here, a suffering is here" in 'Poisoning Pidgeons in the Park'.
"so if someday you're free, why don't you come with me, and we'll poison the pigdeons in the park, and maybe we'll do in a squirrel or twoooo as we poison the pidgeons in the park"......
Genious ;)

Tom Lehrer is great by the way. You should all check out his stuff.

And the ancient Irish ballade that was written a few years ago.....
Seriosuly... Check him out.

Rikety tickety tin

Anyway, I wish thee a great spring. Just don't spring stuff on people. It's uncool.
And here I go with my great puns again.

Anyway. Peace. :P

torsdag 9. april 2009

Melon Mama

Yeah... The title sounded dodgy.
Wasn't meant dodgy. Honest.

I meant: Mmmmmm I got melon and you don't! ...Well, accually I don't know if you've got melon or not.... I'm just assuming.... And I guess assuming isn't that good... Well.. At least I'm not accusing anyone of anything.... Heh... That would be weird.
"Hey, you! You don't eat melon!!!! (and maybe add:) You should be ASHAMED!"
Mmm... Yeah... Deffinately a bit weird.

Oh! Watermelon by the sea.... And when you get sticky, you can just jump into the water. Oh, and my uncle boiling crabs... When we finish eating them... Into the water!
THAT is the most idyllic scene I know about.... There is NOTHING like summer. And eating stuff on the pier.... (Well... It's not a 100% a pier, like you'd think about but.. Something like that.. Anyway..)

Oh, my friend and I looked at appartments last night... It's weird... But it's going to be great!
Studenta vio here we come, say! Hehe...

Anyhow... Didn't feel as random as I thought this morning... So Peace y'all!

mandag 6. april 2009

Come to Thee Senses!

Yes, Thy heard One Right!
No you didn't. I was more hoping that I had brought some sense into Thy Brains of Braindom.
Oh yeah.

Anyway, you can't make the Nightingale sing in it's cage.
So stop torturing it, and let it fly away!
And poking it with a stick doesn't really help that much either!

Frogs of Boredom. That would be a cool band name. Or maybe Green Giants of Camembert
Or perhaps The Sun is a Fat Dude. I personally like that one.

Don't worry, be happy.

So yeah.

A Taste of Honey.

A Taste of Honey, and Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, and suchlike

I want to talk to you about something.
It's really important.
And if your mom and dad haven't, then I'm gonna have to do it.
It's about.... THE BEATLES.
Oh, there is no band better than the Beatles. That's a statement of FACT. It's the greatest rock (YES, an if you insult me by saying something different, I'm gonna hunt you down and kick your ARSE!) band in the history of Music!
Oooh... Paul and Ringo have had a reunion in New York... How great is that?
Oh.... Ok... Listen to "Back in the U.S.S.R." (or "I am the Walrus" or "Lady Madonna" or "Blackbird" or "Norwegian Wood"..... and so on and so on ;) hehe) and listen to their genious, magnificent, increadible talents and be AMAZED!
And if you haven't heard songs like: Here comes the Sun, All You Need is Love, Yesterday, Come Together, Hey Jude, Can't Buy me Love, Yellow Submarine, She Loves You, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, then you REALLY ought to. This is music history. Not just one of the filthy new bands that try to be good, but really isn't.
Oh yeah.
So... When the Saints Go Marching In, you know you did a good job ;)
Heh.. Song-puns are funny... :P

Anyhuu, I need to Get Back to work.. (heheh.... I'm hillarious... >.<)

torsdag 2. april 2009


Q is an underrated letter.
Should have more wirds with Q in it.
Look how pretty it is!

Jawhol (when in doubt: always mock the germans for their language.)

So yeah... I felt like making a word list.

I'm trying to figure out what words are missing....

No idea why Lingerie was in there... That was completely random.

Anyway, I'm deffinately gonna make some new commandments. Since the old ones are a little... Old fashioned. Nah, it's just because I'm bored, and I'm really just trying to be funny....


OH! I can rant about the water here!

The water here makes your skin go reaaaallly dry.. And it's like drinking from a swimmingpool. If you're ever going to Paris: BRING CREAMS pour ton skin! And good water. That you like. And enjoy drinking. If you don't: VOL VIC! The saviour and stuff in this desert of well-tasting water. Vol vic should pay me for saying this...

But it's true. Even though: Nothing beats the norwegian water.

Mmmm, Imsdal and Olden and Bonaqua. I LONG FOR THEE!


Kids shouldn't be allowed to have a snotty nose.

1) It's gross

2) They can't control it

3) ERK!

Kids are disguisting creatures.


Is it true that frogs bring fortune?

And... Does turtles do that too?

But it would be stupid if both did...

What would be so thpeechuul about them if both was?

I'm gonna test out the theories.

One day.

Peace brothers and mothers.

onsdag 1. april 2009

International day of FUN

This.. Oh!
Day of FUN :D I managed to trick 7 people today ^^ hee hee
Burn on them.
I want to mention names.
But I won't since I'm so good.


7 people.

Master Exploder or in my case Trickster. Because I'm awesome.
Just admit it.

So go Kick a Poo, and always remember to live by the 4th commandment: Thou shalt Always Trick people if the Opportunity bids itself.

and the 8th: Thou shalt Never be serious about ANYTHING. Unless Thy art in a situation Thy should be Serious in. But Thou shalt have found that out by Thyself, but One need to Mention it or else Thou willt interpret it the was Thou want to. And One wouldn't want that.

Hmmm... And possibly also the 1st: Thou shalt not Follow Rules, unless it is the 10 Commandments, because it is a Common Knowledge that Rules are ment to be Broken, and it is Thy duty to See to this. And Thy shalt also know when to Stop breaking Rules.

Well... I got more.. But frankly I'm too tired.