søndag 12. april 2009

KLUCK! Because I'm a chick.

Love sucks.
Love doesn't exist.
A friend said that they said on "Dr. House" that:
"Boy meet girl, Boy gets stupid, girl gets stupid, and they live stupidly together for the rest of their life."

I like that quote. Because it's funny. And it's not true. "Ever after/rest of their life" is BULLSHIT.

Anyway... I can't believe people accually LIKE being so damn vulnerable. It's silly.
Silly silly silly.
And you just end up being crushed anyway...
Or bored out of your wits....
Or something.

Anyway... Love doesn't really exist. It's merely a wish.
When people get married, they will most likely end up getting divorced.
There is some statistics stuff there, but frankly, I'm nor arsed to look it up, because it doesn't really interest me.

I'm bringing this up because it's spring. And people tend to... Say things... In the spring.

This scares me.

That's what I hate about spring.
All the "I'm gonna be honest with you" shit, that is just hormones, people having special "needs" and the feeling that summer is around the corner.

Quite frankly, the whole wedding shit kinda creeps me out.
Why is it such a big deal to wear the big fluffy white dress and walk down an aisle and claim to be with someone till they DIE.
That's flippin' madness. It's INSANE! It's... Yeah...

Like Tom Lehrer say: "Spring is here, a suffering is here" in 'Poisoning Pidgeons in the Park'.
"so if someday you're free, why don't you come with me, and we'll poison the pigdeons in the park, and maybe we'll do in a squirrel or twoooo as we poison the pidgeons in the park"......
Genious ;)

Tom Lehrer is great by the way. You should all check out his stuff.

And the ancient Irish ballade that was written a few years ago.....
Seriosuly... Check him out.

Rikety tickety tin

Anyway, I wish thee a great spring. Just don't spring stuff on people. It's uncool.
And here I go with my great puns again.

Anyway. Peace. :P

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