torsdag 2. april 2009

Jawhol (when in doubt: always mock the germans for their language.)

So yeah... I felt like making a word list.

I'm trying to figure out what words are missing....

No idea why Lingerie was in there... That was completely random.

Anyway, I'm deffinately gonna make some new commandments. Since the old ones are a little... Old fashioned. Nah, it's just because I'm bored, and I'm really just trying to be funny....


OH! I can rant about the water here!

The water here makes your skin go reaaaallly dry.. And it's like drinking from a swimmingpool. If you're ever going to Paris: BRING CREAMS pour ton skin! And good water. That you like. And enjoy drinking. If you don't: VOL VIC! The saviour and stuff in this desert of well-tasting water. Vol vic should pay me for saying this...

But it's true. Even though: Nothing beats the norwegian water.

Mmmm, Imsdal and Olden and Bonaqua. I LONG FOR THEE!


Kids shouldn't be allowed to have a snotty nose.

1) It's gross

2) They can't control it

3) ERK!

Kids are disguisting creatures.


Is it true that frogs bring fortune?

And... Does turtles do that too?

But it would be stupid if both did...

What would be so thpeechuul about them if both was?

I'm gonna test out the theories.

One day.

Peace brothers and mothers.

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