mandag 27. april 2009

My 10 Commandments

I figured I could mock religion a little by making my own 10 commandments.
Yes, I have to admit I had a lot of fun making them...

1) Thou shalt Never be serious about ANYTHING. Unless Thou art in a situation Thou should be Serious in. But Thou shalt have found that out by Thyself, but One need to Mention it or else Thou willt interpret it the was Thou want to. And One wouldn't want that.

2) Thou shalt not Swear or Abuse Gods Name more than Thou normally would, and if there are Children present,then Thou should swear more than Thou normally would, because listening to Children asking their Mothers whatstuff means is Fun.

3) Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. This is the Most Important Commandment. And the days Thy decide to Skip School/Work to do other things. Like watching the latest movies on Thy local Cinema, or if a Game is Released, or Simply because Thou art not Botheredto go to Work/School.

4) Thou shalt Honor Thy Mother and Father.... When Hell freezes over. Or when Thou grow up. Or Loan a lot of Money.

5) Thou shalt obviously not Kill, because that is Bad, and Thou go to Jail.

6) Thou shalt not get Married. Marriage is Death, Marriage is social Murder, Marriage is Bad.No not get Married. Marriage is like going to Jail.

7) Thou Shalt not steal Unless it is for the Greater Good... The Greater Good, is a Limit you Decide Thyself. But Normally Greater Good Means "for someone that is about to Starve to Death" and Suchlike.

8) Unless it is for Thy gain, or a if it's a Favour, Thou shalt not lie in court.

9) Thou can Covet whoever Thou like, but Thou shalt know, Thou might be called a Slut.

10) Thou shalt not Follow Rules, unless it is the 10 Commandments, because it is a Common Knowledge that Rules are ment to be Broken, and it is Thy duty to See to this. And Thy shalt also know when to Stop breaking Rules.

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