mandag 27. april 2009

Young Bald Monkeys

Yes. I would like to COMMENT on my own sillyness. If I was somebody else, I'd comment something like this:
"Hey, you are... very, very weird.
Making up your own commandments and.. commenting on yourself...?
Got one word for it: Weird."
And if I ever got a comment like that I'd respond with:
"When Gorillas can fly and your coffee maker starts making good, de-caff, fruity fruit salad is the day I CARE. And F.Y.I. Fruitsalad with coffee in it..... Not good!"
Not that I've tried or anything....

Oh! Yeah... Also old Billy Joel has a good point hen he sing: "Only the Good Die Young", and in the same song he also say "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun"... How BRILLIANT are those lyrics, or what?

I want coffee.... Mocha is the best coffee ever. I mean... Chocolate AND coffee. That is the "How to get energy/become hyper" book's first... No maybe second tip. The first might be "black coffee with caffeine pills and 15 sp... 30 spoons with sugar. That ought to do the trick.
I might have to write that book.
Hmmm.... OH! Maybe some Syrup too!

I got "grind some coffee beans and eat them" as a suggestion... I think he might be right.
And Red Bull. Oh, what if everything I mentioned is mixed together?
Either 1) Things will be slowed down for the test-subject. He will be VERY hyper/active/whatever
2) The test-subject is rushed to the hospital. The test-subject has been poisoned.
or 3) Heavy diarrhea.
Anyway: ...... SUGAR CUBES! Oh my god those taste good....

I don't think I'll write this book after all.....
Mais, à bientôt. Bon journée!

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