torsdag 23. april 2009


The world should learn norwegian.
That's why I'll have a crash-course in that now! :D
(Dunno if "crash-couse" is accually used/proper english/whatever, I just liked it, so I used it. Deal with it.)

First we gotta learn is..... What is important.... errr... Bus tickets are annoying, but important. Let's go with that.
Du: Hei, kan jeg få en buss billett til Søgne, vær så snill?
Buss-sjåføren: Barn eller voksen? (for prisen)
Du: Voksen.

That means:
You: Hello, may I have a bus-ticket to Søgne, please?
The bus-driver: Kid or adult? (for the price)
You: Adult.

Oh yeah.
Now, if you are un-norwegian-speaking, then you may pat your butt, and buy a book called "Learn Norwegian: For dummies".
Nah. Don't do that. Or you could. That would be awesome.

I'll teach you some more norwegian.
Oh yeah, this is important...

Du: Hallo!
Tilfeldig person: Hei!
Du: Hvordan har du det?
Tilfeldig person: Fint (takk), og du?
Du: Jeg har det også bare bra, takk.

You: Hello!
Random person: Hi!
You: How are you? (directly transtlated: How have you it?)
Random person: Fine (thanks), and you?
You: I'm fine too, thanks.
(directly translated: I have it also just good, thanks.... Yes, norwegian is weird.)

Dette var dødsgøy.
This was dead-fun.

Spessiellt når jeg oversatt direkte. For da hørtes det tilbakeståendes ut.
Especially when I translated directly. For then sounded it retarded out.

Hahahaha! I'm deffinately doing this again.
Ooooh.... Hm..
Taking the piss, rocks.

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