søndag 19. februar 2012

Dear bully.

We had a very serious talk about bullying earlier this week, apparently there is bullying going on in our class...
"Our class" is a first year class in Swansea Metropolitan UNIVERSITY.
The after-school-thing I worked at last year did that. They were 6-9 years old.
How can 18+ year old people be so incredibly pathetic and actually bully someone?
Why would you deliberately try and exclude someone? If you don't like someone, then you should have the fucking balls to tell them?
Why would you deliberately try and make them feel like shit? Does that make you feel stronger? More powerful? Do you get off from it?
I can honestly say that I strongly hate, no, loathe, bullies.

Do you know what the person you abuse is left with?
They are left feeling unimportant. They are left feeling sick and sad. Why would anyone care about what they think and feel? "I'm ugly!", "Why would I trust them? Maybe they turn out to use this against me!" They are left feeling scared, hurt and feeling alone. Bitter and angry.

If this makes you feel you have power, then you are the lowest of the low.

You fucking douchebag. I sincerely hope to God you get karmic justice you slimy piece of shit. I sincerely hope you fucking do.
This is to you from me.
You deserve to be run over by a car. You deserve to rot in a basement for years and years to come. You deserve to feel every emotion the one you bullied felt, only 10 times worse. You deserve to struggle with mental problems, like loads of victims do. You deserve to rot in loneliness and fucking despair.

Fuck you. Really. FUCK you.
Pathetic piece of shit.


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