torsdag 17. mai 2012

17 Mai!

Today, where we celebrate the best country in the word, which is clearly Norway, is one of the best days EVER. We get the day off, and we get to walk in the middle of the roads. It's brilliant! I haven't eaten any ice-creams today, though, which is regrettable.
I hung out my tiny flag out my window, secured with loads and loads of tape before I went to the SU bar to celebrate 17 mai. They had bag-runs (!?) and egg-runs and shit like that, sang the national anthem and stuff. Was nice, but I did miss going to my grandparents and eat cake and other yummies.

Also saw two plays from the 2nd years. I really enjoyed the first one, it was a social experiment they said, and we were going on "speed dates". That was loads of fun. The second one was about the body and body image. Was very interesting. I was given a moustache in the first one. Ended up looking like that....



The worst part is that I kind of look like my dad in that get-up....

Your move daddy dearest.

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