søndag 16. januar 2011

Rant about dark and broody things.

Right so lately I've been thinking about dark and broody things. I mean like emos, goths, darkness, or shadows... Or curtains.
I say 'thinking about'... I mean 'being annoyed by'. The sheer unoriginality of some people...
What is so attractive about dark and broody things? I mean seriously. Look at this.

What is attractive/alluring/mystereious about this?
....But sure look pretty damn broody.

But then you have the stuff that follows "dark and broody". Like vampires, assassins, undeads.. etc etc... And undead vampire assassins... How fucking ridiculous would that be! Haha! Undead vampire assassins......
I mean come on. 1) That is a shitty idea 2) That is a VERY unoriginal 'idea' and 3) BAD.
And how shitty must that movie be? (If it was a movie.)

"UNDEAD VAMPIRE ASSASSIN KILLERS!" Now in your local cinema!

-The story of the young boy who found out that he was an undead vampire assassin killer, soon discovers that his life in darkness also gave him a new power: The power of brooding!
With this new gift he went out and killed young maidens by brooding them to death.
On contract.

I should become a youtube hero and make that movie. That would have been awesome.

And also. D&D. Dungeons and Dragons is awesome. But there are people who always play the same character over and over and over. Where's the fun in that?
Is it some sort of tragic hope that you sometime can be that sad pitiful little character of yours?
Because you can't be. Because it's all made up. Because you made it so. Because you're you, and can never be a D&D character. Because you're only human. Because you're born a weak fuckwit with no social skills.
Especially for shadows.
Or I'd rather say "sneaking-up-on-people-all-creepy-like-just-to-feel-stealthy".
Congratulations, you succeeded in sneaking up on me. You are a fucking master of CREEPY.
You have been awarded a diploma in "Stalking" and "Skulking" and "Being a social retard".

I bet mummy's proud.

Oh and kids, remember to brush your teeth!

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