mandag 3. januar 2011

New year & shit.

Happy fucking new year!
Time to start fucking do stuff again. Can you all just feel the joy? I know I do.

I have made a fucking new years resolution. To say "Fuck" at least 5 times more than I need to in a fucking conversation. Isn't it just absolutely charming beyond comprehension? Yeah I know it is...

I have been good, and downloaded Doctor Who. I am hooked on Doctor Who. I love Doctor Who.
I want to buy every fucking season ever made of Doctor Who. ...Well almost every season.
The only thing that annoys me about Doctor Who is the Daleks. Their voices is like a cat trying to sing whilst being tortured with sandpaper on a blackboard. Otherwise everything is just fucking epic. And Tennant is awesome as ever.

Yeah. I fucking hope this new year will bring new possibilities and other good shit to everyone! From all of us to all of you... :P
Merry fucking Christmas :P

Fine that was random. But I couldn't think of anything else to write.

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