torsdag 29. september 2011


Just thought I'd upload a few photos from Swansea and stuff. It's real perdy here, and today (well technically yesterday) we had a really lovely summery day! We watched some theatre group perform a very very weird and random play where we had to walk around on campus, and they hurried along before us so they were ready when we got where we were going. It was kinda cool. Oh, and I've finally acquired a proper internet connection, so I can finally play some games and stuff! Yay for nerdage!

On the way up to the teeny tiny shop.
Attempted landscape/cityscape picture
Håoli shite! Look at that fog!
This is where shit is going down. Only a shame they have a box for a building in the parking lot and where the main entrance is. If the whole uni looked like this I would have quoted Harry Potter 16 times a day at the very least. This is the backside-ish, and if you turn around you'll see....:
THIS! OK. Maybe not right where I stood... There are a lot of trees. But the view is amazing.
The façade of this place just looks amazing! It's like a castle!
This sign says "Only dim people park here. This is a friggin' pile of rubbish". True story.

I've met loads of great new people in my hall, and the theatre gang is also brewing awesomeness. There is naturally the diva that doesn't like ANYTHING and always complain, but it's kinda entertaining to think how hated she will be in a week :P

... I wonder what people are like on stage and such. I really can't wait to start doing plays!
Fine, the whole "walk like a door, feel like a lion" (I just made that up... We don't do that.) procedures are educational theatre-wise, but they get a little weird sometimes.
But in general it's fun and stuff, and I really really really REALLY can't wait for SOMEONE *cough cough* to visit me here! :P I do miss the Norway-p33ps and stuff, but it'll probably be slightly better when the whole "new country-talking English all the time-new people" stress has died down.
And I can't wait until it does. I look like a fucking pizza!

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