tirsdag 2. juni 2009

Hey little girl

Oooooh Yeah. The little schelle bebe bist walking when we're holding her. And standing... Obviously... And also like to say "mamamamamama" a lot. I'm starting to think that that's all she's ever going to manage to say.... (She's sooo cute!)
But maybe she'stalking this weird unknown language, only diaper users can understand.
OH! But imagine how cool it would be, to just scream, and get whatever you wanted!
Oh yeah.
Everybodys dream. And especially to take care of something like that. I mean... I've never had a bigger dream than to become a mom, drop out of college/university, because of it, and/or work, JUST to take care of that ball of meat, vomit and poo. And sound.... A LOT of sound....
Oh yeah.
I mean... It's just so damn great.
And they are soooo cute! The way they scream and squirm in your arms... I just want to hug them!

Anyway, burn on you for not having cherries.
OH! And only two more months 'till I can go home!

I am, he is, you are, he is, you are me and we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly
i'm crying
sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come......
I am the eggman (wooo) they are the eggmen(woooo), I am the walrus, Koo koo ka choo!
Jooba jooba jooba!

That was todays Random. Accually... Today's was basically just... Crap... Or Rubbish. Whatever you prefer. Except the chosen lyrics from "I am the Walrus" ofcourse.

Go play with Oui Oui.

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