tirsdag 9. juni 2009

Walk the Line

There are many MANY possible dangers out there.
Many you don't even know about! Things you didn't even know existed! ...Oh, but they do. Oh yes, they do.
Like Nessie. Nessie exist, but she moved away from Loch Ness when she was first spotted. Now she lives just outside of Edinburgh. It's true!
And she is eating dead fish and rotten mayonnaise. She's a survivor. There's nothing more to say on that subject. Well. She also eat dead bodies from time to time.... Actually, she's just eating what's dead and rotten that floats her way... Luxury life, eh? Yes. Nessie needs to be saved. She's going to turn into a monster if this goes on! An undead-eating mon...s..ter... Wait. That's actually really useful! We need to clone Nessie! Wait.. No! No! No, we don't!
We don't want my raging army of zombies to fail, do we? I mean. Zombies rock. Therefore they must live. That's what the Bible says.
Anyway, I just have to be random and add the lyrics of one of the perviest (in my opinion) Norwegian folk-song ever.

(Geir Lystrup)
1) Lideli galen, lidelig god, kom til meg skal du få drikke av min sko.
Lideli galen, lidelig god, kom til meg skal du få danse.
Danse opp og danse ned i raude lyngen under himla høge tre.
Danse vill og danse varm. Å kjære gje meg ein mazurka.
2) Lideli galen, lideli god, kom til meg skal du få drikke av min sko.
Lideli galen, lideli god, kom til meg skal du få ta meg.
Ta meg opp og ta meg ned ned i raude lyngen under himla høge tre.
Ta meg vill og ta meg varm. Å kjære gje meg ein mazurka.
Yeah that roughly mean..... No I'm not gonna translate that. It's too dirty for that....
Even I wouldn't expose you for such pervyness...
(If you're really desperate, use Google Translate. Real simple. Oh yeah.)

Anyway. This is it fer tehdeh.

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